"[song] in my pants" thread

Chameleon in my pants.

Ode to Sharla in my pants.

ToeJam and Earl in my pants.

Flip Top Box in my pants.

Team Fortress 2 in my pants.

Tank in my pants.

Young Love Rock N' Roll in my pants.

Doesn't always work :/
all nightmare long in my pants
why go in my pants
fade to black in my pants
im on a boat in my pants
the blister exists in my pants
14 years in my pants
Welcome to the Jungle in my pants

Sweet Child O' Mine in my pants

Killing in the name in my pants

Ain no Rest for the Wicked in my pants

Willie the Pimp in my pants

Adam Raised a Cain in my pants

Prepare for War in my pants

War in my pants

Eruption in my pants

Purple Haze in my pants

Still Alive in my Pants

Let there be Rock in my pants

Guerilla Radio in my pants

Born in the Bayou in my pants

Adreanaline in my pants

44 Minutes in my pants

Endgame in my pants

Burnt Ice in my pants.
I'll give this a shot...

All the small things in my pants
Woman in my pants
Black magic woman in my pants
Mosh in my pants
Crack a bottle in my pants
Pretty woman in my pants
Killer instinct in my pants
It's goin' down in my pants
All the right places in my pants
Insanity in my pants
Jingle bells in my pants
Hot dog factory in my pants
The real slim shady in my pants
Sega please in my pants
Bonnie & Clyde in my pants
Coal mine in my pants
Mayo in my pants
Ridin' in my pants
Play somethin' country in my pants
Where I come from in my pants
Who knew in my pants
Rock you like a hurricane in my pants
Live like you were dyin' in my pants
Balls in my pants
No handlebars in my pants
Wet bar in my pants
My girl in my pants
Let me love you now in my pants
So fine in my pants
Operation in my pants
Fun house in my pants
Beat it in my pants
Thriller in my pants
Imma be in my pants
I gotta feelin' in my pants
Rape in my pants
I'm addicted to mountain dew in my pants
Love you in my pants
Love is in my pants
*Can'tSayThisOnTV* man in my pants
Make me sick in my pants
Vomit in my pants
Bleed it out in my pants
Heck on wheels in my pants
Pick-em-up truck in my pants
Doin' your mom in my pants
My name is in my pants
I wanna hold your hand in my pants
Brown-eyed girl in my pants
Summer days in my pants
Afterlife in my pants
Morning after in my pants
Adolf Hitler in my pants
Your mom in my pants
Gangster in my pants
O.G. in my pants
I'm a gangster in my pants
What's my name in my pants
Lodie-dodie in my pants
Doggystyle in my pants
I love rock 'n roll in my pants
Silent night in my pants
Field of dreams in my pants
Welcome home in my pants
Adios in my pants
Mexicn americans in my pants
ROTFLOL in my pants
Brain tumor in my foot in my pants
Go to Heck in my pants
More than friends in my pants
Know your enemy in my pants
Love is a battlefield in my pants
Love centeral in my pants
Black hole in my pants
Starry night in my pants
Passionate in my pants
Next level in my pants
Hot for teacher in my pants
Crazy train in my pants

lol, I have no more ideas (in my pants)

That took me 45 minuites.
Stairway to Heaven in my pants
Black Dog in my pants
Walk this way in my pants
Trolololo in my pants
Go Straight in my pants
She'll have her revenge in my pants