Let SteamDNT 2.5 stay here on ModRetro?

Let SteamDNT 2.5 stay here on ModRetro?

  • Stay

    Votes: 19 43.2%
  • Ban

    Votes: 25 56.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Probably SS
He's been known to be disrespectful:
(00:19:44) DNT_2.5: You know what
(00:19:54) DNT_2.5: This whole website can go *PLINK* itself
(00:20:06) DNT_2.5: your full of Linking teenage dram queens
(00:20:14) DNT_2.5: *Drama
(00:20:25) DNT_2.5: That have PMS
(00:20:37) DNT_2.5: and just got dumped at the prm
(00:20:45) DNT_2.5: So
(00:20:53) DNT_2.5: GO *PLINK* YOURSELVES
(00:44:21) DNT_2.5: im not afraid of shockslayer
(00:44:27) DNT_2.5: What can he do
(00:44:29) DNT_2.5: IP ban me
(00:44:33) DNT_2.5: Username ban me
[12/19/09 3:27:57 PM] Blayke Christian LaRue: Draw a huge dick
[12/19/09 3:28:06 PM] Blayke Christian LaRue: With Modretro as a mouth sucking it
[12/19/09 3:28:13 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): Going in and out of Palmer's mouth
[12/19/09 3:28:21 PM] Blayke Christian LaRue: Perfect.
[12/19/09 3:28:47 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): Then ShockSlayer Taking a huge dick
[12/19/09 3:28:52 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): In his ass
[12/19/09 3:28:56 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): with a micropenis
[12/19/09 3:28:58 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): XD
[12/19/09 3:29:03 PM] Blayke Christian LaRue: :O
[12/19/09 3:29:04 PM] Blayke Christian LaRue: LOL
[12/19/09 3:29:48 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): Nah
[12/19/09 3:29:54 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): Just meatspin
[12/19/09 3:30:04 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): palmer watching meatspin and sucking on a big black dick
[12/19/09 3:31:44 PM] Charles Laing (DNT): lets make it worthwhile

Many, many counts of racism:
(12:26:33) DNT_2.5: CANADIANS SUCK
(19:26:05) DNT_2.5: I like to go out into the streets and dance bottomless with bagged milk hanging from my penis

He forged chatlogs in an attempt to out an important and well respected, not to mention handsome, staff member:

He gained access to one of ModRetro's FTP accounts, and nearly crippled the entire forum:

[12/19/09 8:03:41 AM] Charles Laing (DNT): ok
[12/19/09 8:03:45 AM] Charles Laing (DNT): Don't tell anyone this
[12/19/09 8:03:53 AM] Blayke Christian LaRue: Okey dokey
[12/19/09 8:03:59 AM] Charles Laing (DNT): but, I have something that Modretro doesn't know about
[12/19/09 8:04:05 AM] Blayke Christian LaRue: Hm?
[12/19/09 8:04:10 AM] Charles Laing (DNT): FTP acess
[12/19/09 8:04:14 AM] Charles Laing (DNT): To their server

He has multiple accounts on ModRetro, which is against the rules:

(2010.03.05 - 12:26:04) CHATROOM: SteamDNT_2.5 logs out of the Chat.
(2010.03.05 - 12:29:35) CHATROOM: Fall_of_man logs into the Chat.
(2010.03.05 - 12:29:38) Fall_of_man: there
(2010.03.05 - 12:29:41) Fall_of_man: BRB
(2010.03.05 - 12:29:44) ShockSlayer: HAH
(2010.03.05 - 12:29:47) ShockSlayer: it is dnt
(2010.03.05 - 12:35:11) Fall_of_man: It is me
(2010.03.05 - 12:35:20) ShockSlayer: yup
(2010.03.05 - 12:35:33) Fall_of_man: Ill log in again
(2010.03.05 - 12:35:35) CHATROOM: Fall_of_man logs out of the Chat.
(2010.03.05 - 12:35:55) CHATROOM: SteamDNT_2.5 logs into the Chat.
(2010.03.05 - 12:37:02) SteamDNT_2.5: So
(2010.03.05 - 12:37:03) Nintendott: qweem :3
(2010.03.05 - 12:37:08) SteamDNT_2.5: what happens now


Do we let him stay?
Or do we ban him?

We, the official ModRetro staff, want you, the official ModRetro userbase, to decide. Poll runs for 7 days unless stated otherwise.

Well I do believe in the whole "everyone deserves a second chance" thing but also he did it to himself and nobody else can be blamed one bit for it.

All of that above it true, but I DID not forge the chat logs, that is the ONLY thing of the above that I didn't do.
Like I said in previous posts, if you want me gone so be it, I indeed have no right to be here, I do not deserve a second chance. All I can tell you is that I am a changed person that the above Idiot of my former self.
I really feel this should be a decision made by the Mods and Admins and NOT the average user.

Mods and Admins are more level headed and will make a wiser decision.

Also doesn't matter a whole lot since he can just be banned again at the VERY FIRST sign of trouble.

The mods need something to do around here right? :P
1. Who is this Blayke guy?
2. What am I supposed to be seeing in that picture? I don't get it.
3. Most importantly, ragging on Canadians isn't racism--it's an American tradition!

hailrazer said:
Mods and Admins are more level headed and will make a wiser decision.
In theory. Most of them probably have a bias against DNT. So perhaps if any one group would be the most objective, it would be a third party. ;)
We have had a huge discussion, believe you me, there were people fighting for both sides of the argument.

We decided that since it would affect the userbase more than it would us, we would let them decide.

Jewjo said:
In theory. Most of them probably have a bias against DNT. So perhaps if any one group would be the most objective, it would be a third party. ;)

Doesn't matter if they are biased against him. Because they are the ones he hurt most when attacking them and their site.
But it is their job to decide his fate, do this with properly and enforce it and the repercussions.

I am a mod on several sites so I have to go through this a lot. Mods tend to keep mods in line also behind the scenes , stuff the general public doesn't see.

But if this is their way of doing it then so be it, I've done it before this way on my sites, just usually didn't work very well.
Jewjo said:
Well I type corrected. Assumptions can only go so far. :)

You are correct.

And like I said it doesn't really matter one way or the other. Life will go on and this site is only going to grow and get better if this is an indication of how much dissension bothers everyone. :) (that's a good thing by the way)
let's all remember that god forgives the worst of people and that we should be good people too.(I don't care if you're not christian, it's still a good rule to live by)
Hail, we had a poll in the mod cave, and it came put perfectly dead split. I could make an executive decision, but I do not want to override that other half that thinks the opposite.

I personally think he causes way too much drama, even if he does NOTHING, him being here puts a lot of users into a fit, and rightfully so, in a sense. I would be all for letting him stay a little bit to see if he starts to contribute (ala Banditpaw), but if he is just going to chill here, I see no reason for him to stay.
How can someone justify punishing someone when they themselves have committed the same act. If you log into the modretro forums it is flooded with racism and disrespect....so i dont think its right that he should be banned for those reasons...

(15:06:47) CHATROOM: ShockSlayer logs into the Chat.
(15:06:53) CHATROOM: raizer04 has been logged out (Kicked).
(15:07:07) ShockSlayer: Fun on a bun
(15:07:08) icarus: sorta
(15:07:18) icarus: the video gave me some idea
(15:07:20) CHATROOM: raizer04 logs into the Chat.
(15:07:21) icarus: *ideas
(15:07:22) CHATROOM: SteamDNT_2.5 has been logged out (Timeout).
(15:07:44) ShockSlayer: lol sorry raizer
(15:07:48) icarus: but experimenting helped
(15:07:50) raizer04: no ur not
(15:07:53) ShockSlayer: I was aiming for kylechu
(15:07:53) icarus: a lot more
(15:08:02) ShockSlayer: (16:05:41) Raizer04: modretro (wouldnt recommend...not to friendly ppl there)
(15:08:12) ShockSlayer: I see you have a fond opinion of our site
(15:08:13) raizer04: and i'd say it again
(15:08:20) raizer04: not too friendly ppl off top
(15:08:25) PalmerTech: lol
(15:08:28) PalmerTech: We are in the forum
(15:08:31) PalmerTech: just not in chat
(15:08:37) PalmerTech: We are all assholes here
(15:08:38) PalmerTech: XD
(15:08:53) ShockSlayer: if you prefer to flirt with the enemy
(15:09:07) raizer04: dont care who the enemy or non-enemy is...its a chat
(15:09:14) ShockSlayer: then you have no place amongst my friends
(15:09:56) raizer04: lol not losing any sleep here
(15:10:14) ShockSlayer: Lang Zi says: In every family there is always one black sheep
(15:10:20) PalmerTech: lol
(15:10:22) PalmerTech: SS
(15:10:26) PalmerTech: I think Raizer is black
(15:10:27) PalmerTech: so uh
(15:10:29) PalmerTech: awkward