Regarding Ben's BOOK. NEED HELP NOW!

On page 121, it says that I need " to connect the positive from your battery to a switch for turning the system on and off, then connect the other terminal of this switch of this switch to the unregulated power in lead of the regular" ... My question is WHAT SWITCH!!??? I only read up to that page and mentioned no switch. Quite random if you ask me.


Kyle :lol: :tophat:
More questions

Sorry for the miss communication.

I have two questions :

1. What switch (give me a specific kind that you use) should I use?

2. I'm making a NESp. I'm having a hard time with wiring the controllers using his schematic provided in the chapter " Making your NES portable". One page shows that schematic and another page shows the left pc board with ribbon cable coming out. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks a million,

Re: More questions

18masterkyle said:
1. What switch (give me a specific kind that you use) should I use?
any old switch will work. you could use the nes power switch. :wink: