1 Grey Console with Expansion pak
4 official controllers (2 grey, 1 blue, 1 atomic purple)
2 official rumble paks
1 3rd party memory pak (4 bank)
1 Tremor Pak Plus (switchable pass-thru/rumble)
2 power supplies
1 s-video cable
Mario 64, Mario Kart, Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Pokemon Stadium, 1080 Snowboarding, Hey You Pikachu
1 Official Console (works nice)
2 official controllers
1 official light gun (orange)
1 junk custom controller
Mario/Duck Hunt, Mario 3, Zelda, Time Lord, Ice Hockey, Tecmo Bowl, Captain Skyhawk
1 platinum Gamecube
2 official controllers (black and platinum)
1 memory card (259 block)
Pokemon Colosseum, Super Smash Bros, Nascar Dirt To Daytona, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Need For Speed Underground
1 original XBOX (not modded... yet) (got it free, with 1 controller and Halo 2)
3 controllers (1 official, 1 Hip Gear, 1 Mad Catz wireless)
1 memory unit
1 extra dongle cable end thingy
Halo 2, Agent Under Fire, NFS Underground 2, Forza Motorsport
1 Model 2 Genesis
2 controllers (1 official 3-button, 1 3rd party 6-button)
AV cables and RF modulator (I use AV)
Sonic 2 (2 copies), Sonic 1 (2 copies, one is sealed), Street Fighter 2, Batman, Thunder Force II, Outrun 2021
Game Boy:
Game Boy Advance, white
Game Boy Color, yellow
Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Saphhire, Warioland 4, Iridion 3D
DS Lite (black)
Intec accessory kit
Call of Duty 4, Pokemon Diamond
M3DS Real flashcart (for uh, homebrew, and uh, MP3, and uh, legal backups)
Intec Wii Screen (V2)
Awesome PC and a whole lot of games
Pics soon.