OSSIM STUFF ON PG 17! Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

I did nothing wrong.

Zeturi then had the same problem.

And it said somewhere in the original instructable that the circuit was intended to sound flaxty.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

I'm good at getting luckey. :palmer:




Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Nice sketch on the wall :wink: Looking forward to seeing the case all fixed up :)
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource


Wait a sec, is that TWO more cases? An extra just in case? (No pun intended)
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Yes, an extra just in case. (Pun highly intended.)

I just got back from the hardware store, I picked up some stuff.


Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Try JB-Kwik. I tried it and it seems just as strong as JB-weld, but dries in 15 minutes and cures in an hour or something like that. Its still a 2-part mix.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

I picked up some quick-set plastic epoxy today from Walmart. IT'S LIKE WE'RE BUYING BUDDIES.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

For anyone who's used both abs cement or jb weld, which is easier to sand? I've been using abs cement religiously for every project so far, but this stuff is Heck to sand to down to a smooth finish.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

zeturi said:
For anyone who's used both abs cement or jb weld, which is easier to sand? I've been using abs cement religiously for every project so far, but this stuff is Heck to sand to down to a smooth finish.

Abs cement is no supposed to be sanded to a smooth finish. In fact it is impossible to sand smooth. Abs cement is basically plastic with acetone in it.When you apply it the acetone dries out of the plastic leaving it hard. But it leaves air pockets as the acetone dries up.

So abs cement should be used as a bonding agent , not a filler.

And no JB weld does not bond to everything. It is primarily a metal bonding epoxy. It will bond to some plastic , but there are much better Epoxies for bonding to plastic.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

That probably explains why it doesn't look so good then. I have small holes over a lot of my case. Time to go buy some bumper filler.
Re: Worklog: The TriSixtyFource

Hail's right, that's why I used epoxy for the case. The JB weld is for other, more important stuff. ;)

Right now I'm condensing 1 hour and 52 minutes of casework into 27, then I'll do it a couple more times to get a timelapse video of MOST of what I did today for all of you. It doesn't include the 15 minutes before where i prepped the workspace and installed a 100k resistor on the audio input(which, by the way, worked FANTASTICALLY! :D), or the 20 minutes after of a bit more sanding and the cleaning and painting. I ran out of battery. And storage. Total video size was about 7.8gb, and that's almost the size of the card(8gb.)

Right now the paint is drying on the case, so I'll have pics of it probably when it's cured completely....tomorrow.

But yeah, The video will be up tonight.
