OMFG Facepalm time!

βeta said:
Yeah, it's not BAD income, it's TERRIBLE income. Newspaper companies are all bankrupt. No one pays for that crap anymore, news is free on the internet.
WAT!? Not two years ago when I did it. :rofl: Didn't think much before I posted, actually. I'm completely in the wrong.
βeta said:
Yeah, it's not BAD income, it's TERRIBLE income. Newspaper companies are all bankrupt. No one pays for that crap anymore, news is free on the internet.

I can vouch for this as my Grandma work at a newspaper and is always talking about how bad business is and stuff.
Guess it depends on where you are and what you consider bad income.

I have a friend in Florida who runs two routes and makes around $25,000 a year.

And yes the Newspapers are hurting but they won't die, just get thinned out a bit. There's nothing like the feel of a newspaper in your hand and a good cup of coffee in the morning :)
Hehe, I hate newspapers AND coffee.

My equivalent is e-news and a can of Coke. Yeeaahh.

Breakfast of champions.
The last time I actually bought a printed newspaper was when my teacher forced us to bring one in for some lame assignment. :wtf:
Can't deliver newspapers until you're 18 here in NM.
Can't work at any place that sells prepared food (so this includes Grocery Stores that have Deli's, etc) until you're 16, or 18 if there's heavy machinery (Wal-Mart == Fork-Lifts).
Can't wash company-owned (fleet) vehicles unless you're over 18, though privately owned is fine if you're over 13.
jleemero said:
Can't deliver newspapers until you're 18 here in NM.
Can't work at any place that sells prepared food (so this includes Grocery Stores that have Deli's, etc) until you're 16, or 18 if there's heavy machinery (Wal-Mart == Fork-Lifts).
Can't wash company-owned (fleet) vehicles unless you're over 18, though privately owned is fine if you're over 13.

That's so dumb! You have no paperboys?!

Actually, a girl around my age delivers the papers here.