OMFG Facepalm time!


Frequent Poster
I just got a check from the government because they took too long to send out the tax refunds.

I was like "Humm wonder how much I got, maybe I can get a candy bar or something!"

My tax refund was a couple hundred.
I was pleased.

(By which I mean, I STILL HAVEN'T RECEIVED MINE, WHAT THE *Can'tSayThisOnTV*.)
epicelite said:
I just got a check from the government because they took too long to send out the tax refunds.

I was like "Humm wonder how much I got, maybe I can get a candy bar or something!"

lets see, printing costs combined with shipping costs... I'd guess that you as a tax payer paid more to receive the refund than the value of the refund itself.
I love tax time, I usually get back around 5-6K. This year will probably be closer to 7K.

I love only claiming 1 exemption on my paychecks. Makes for that extra bonus at the end of the year (or beginning, depending on how you look at it.)
robm said:
I love tax time, I usually get back around 5-6K. This year will probably be closer to 7K.

I love only claiming 1 exemption on my paychecks. Makes for that extra bonus at the end of the year (or beginning, depending on how you look at it.)

What the heck do you do for a living!?
epicelite said:
robm said:
I love tax time, I usually get back around 5-6K. This year will probably be closer to 7K.

I love only claiming 1 exemption on my paychecks. Makes for that extra bonus at the end of the year (or beginning, depending on how you look at it.)

What the heck do you do for a living!?

Probably not make a lot of money . LOL

My cousin makes 16k a year with a family of 4. Get's food stamps, pays only $250 for an apartment, free medicare, and gets about 6-7 thousand back in taxes every year.

He could get a job that makes more but he won't because he would lose those benefits.

Meanwhile I pay on average 28% taxes.

Great country we live in. :roll:
epicelite said:
What the heck do you do for a living!?


As Hailraizer mentioned, nothing amazing - I make less than 60K a year, but more than 40K. It's not claiming my family on my paychecks that does it - I would make an extra hundred or two on a paycheck if I claimed them, but I like the big return at the end of the year.

And no, no foodstamps. XD
I hoard my money - I can't get a job for a year and a half or so. I have about $300 saved up for no specific reason.
Yeah, it's not BAD income, it's TERRIBLE income. Newspaper companies are all bankrupt. No one pays for that crap anymore, news is free on the internet.