Nobble's SNES Portable: The Scarlet SNES

Re: SNES Netbook - The SNESbook

Does anyone know where to get cheap abs plastic sheets? I can't find any good sites and don't know of any store that would sell it.
Re: SNES Netbook - The SNESbook

haha nvm I'm just going to use some zn-40 cases and use some abs cement to touch them up around the curved edges.
Re: SNES Netbook - The SNESbook

Well I have kind of decided that I am not going to add internal controls to this project as I don't have as much room as I thought I would. It's not 100% for sure, but with the zenith screen, the batteries, and the snes mobo there isn't much extra room. I even have to have the cart slot hanging out the back of it all. I will hopefully get my screen sometime this week and my batteries next week. Just wanted to update for you all.

Re: SNES Netbook - The SNESbook

mako321 said:'re not relocating?
not quite sure as of right now but its looking like its more of a no But i havent gotten my batteries or screen yet so time will tell.
Re: SNES Netbook - The SNESbook

from your other post, it sounds like you're not relocating the cart slot.
Re: SNES Netbook - The SNESbook

mako321 said:
from your other post, it sounds like you're not relocating the cart slot.
oh you meant the cart slot! XD YES of course im relocating that otherwise it would look ugly as Heck. its going in the back I'll post pics when im done after I buy a desoldering iron.
Re: SNES Netbook - The SNESbook

Well as I was trying to relocate the cart slot, my soldering iron slipped and broke off two mini resistors :cry4:

So now I need to buy another snes board and take the two resistors off of that. What a pain.

BUT good thing is the cart slot is now out and ready to be rewired.
Re: SNES Netbook - The SNESbook

...why cant you just buy 2 different resistors

im sure someone here has a snes board and could find out how many ohms you need =D
Re: SNES Netbook - The SNESbook

So today I cut the screen board and case. I all fits inside with just a little room to spare :)


I need to order my LEDs for the screen asap.

I got a bunch of tools for this project over the weekend so I should be set and ready to work.


- LED mod the screen
- Get new snes board
- Wire up batteries (coming tomorrow!)
- Wire up av-out
- Wire power switch
- Paint
- Glue screw posts in place
- Finalize!