New commercial Snes Handheld out

I'm interested somewhat, but it really hinges on the compatibility and accuracy, much more than ergonomics or portability.
Hey, does it support stereo audio? The TV-wiring diagram picture thingy only shows mono audio.
It does not look good, I think that modders will still be in business, seeing as it will not have perfect compatabiliy, the screen probably sucks, and the controller seems to be terrible.
PalmerTech said:
I am playing with mine right now, I can post some impressions tomorrow night.
Out of context, that sounds SO much like that British show, Rainbow. :rofl:
I will post a real review with pics at a later date, but here are the first impressions:

It is HUEG.

Buttons are AWESOME, better than stock SNES pad. Dpad is terrible, but at least has a pivot point. Battery lasts about 2 hours.

By ripping it apart, you will find a composite input 3.5" LCD with a TINY driver board, about the size of a credit card cut in half. You will also get two circiut boards: One is a TINY SNES board, almost exactly the same size as a DS Lite motherboard, but no as tall. The other is a massive board that plugs into the SNES board via 16 wires. The big board contains the audio amp, controller board, interface for the wireless controllers, LED driver for the screen backlight, and the assorted switches, ports, and dials. My first step is obviously to run the tiny board without the big support board. If I can do that, this thing will be crazy small.
PalmerTech said:

I admit defeat, and knowledge your superiority.

No I was saying it was there if you wanted to add to it or if you didn't see it. Also there might be some info there to help you.

I wasn't criticizing your thread :)