ModRetroThon Entry Thread

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Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Post only completed entries here. Continue to discuss in the main thread.

Entry is $10 per mod. If you donate a prize, any prize, to the prize pool, no entry fee. If you seriously cannot do either of those things, then let me know, and I will probably waive it.

And no, seriously, Post only completed entries here.
Well here is not only the first entry, but also the first in the shoop category!

Full size picture here!

Yuh, awesome entry right below this..
This is my entry, vote for it or not. I finished it waaaaaay before the deadline, and if SS can enter late, so can I. :P

PR1 Head Mounted Display, entering in the general mods category. It is an upgraded MRG 2.2, an HMD from the 90s, now with guts from 2010.

For those not in the know, a head mounted display is a piece of virtual reality equipment. This one rivals the specs of $10,000+ commercial units, and with a 95 degree field of view, it is the same as having a 400" TV 6 feet away from you.

95 degree FOV
Aura Interactor used as counterweight (Google it, it is like a tiny, super powerful subwoofer. Shakes your head).
Sony MDR6 headphones
Custom made optics
AirMouse gyro tracking unit

Basically, you strap this thing on, it is like sitting in the 5th row of a movie theater all to yourself, playing video games. The headtracker allows you to map mouse movement to head movement, so when you look up, down, left, or right in TF2... It moves the view with you. It is like being IN the game!

Shot of it all laid out, lotsa wires, all zip-tied together.



The Interactor bass module, this thing is POWERFUL on max settings, it will shake your head so hard it literally hurts:



Shot of me wearing it, taken in Tinychat.


This was a commission job! I was very sad to see it go.
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