Ishmael's Snesp Worklog

I put a dremel bit in the drill press. Raised the gameboy up to the correct height and then turned it on and cut.
drue, yeah, it was all metal and had edged paddles on it.

3MZ, I haven't had time to work on it cause of work. But I will be buying the last few things i need including: Perfboard to mount my controller tacts, Battery circuit, Smart charger, and the final thing will be the SNES Powerpak. I have enough to buy everything but the Powerpak, so I think i'll get everything but that, wire it all up, then when i get it i'll just slap it in there.
I have put my Gameboys, Portable, and Album on hold for a while...I need to find another job, have just started school, and am moving in with my girlfriend soon. :(
Karma is *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing stupid. That said, progress is a gift to be given unexpectedly, if you ask for gifts, you just look selfish, m'kay?

This is looking great! If you do decide to go with the PowerPak, you should put the CF slot where the DMG's is and modify a Gameboy game to have the CF card inside so it looks stock. And you could even make a custom label for the Cart.

You'd probably have to make the Card easy to remove though so you can change the roms whenever you wanted....

Just my 2 cents I guess...
dbozan99 said:
This is looking great! If you do decide to go with the PowerPak, you should put the CF slot where the DMG's is and modify a Gameboy game to have the CF card inside so it looks stock. And you could even make a custom label for the Cart.

You'd probably have to make the Card easy to remove though so you can change the roms whenever you wanted....

Just my 2 cents I guess...
Basement_Modder said:
Hardwire in the SNES flashcart, than solder the pins for the SD card slot to the GB cart slot, and hack up an old DMG cartridge/ wire an SD slot in it. Pointless, but cool.
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