Ishmael's Snesp Worklog


Well-Known Member
So this will be my first portable. I plan to make a Snesp inside a DMG shell to follow my gameboy trend.
I will be using a FC-16 go mobo, 3.5" screen, US buttons, a audioamp (I think), and these batteries. . Also, I want to take out the cart slot altogether and instead mod a gameboy cart to gold some flash memory card that I can load ROMs onto and put that in the slot. If there is anyone who can help me figure out how to do that it would be much appreciated. I am also keeping the Gameboy dimensions.
Here is what I've done so far:
Expaned the screen hole to accommodate the 3.5" screen. The corners still need to be squared off.
And The A,B,X,Y button plate hole has been cut. I am going to Home Depot tomorrow to pick up some ABS cement and Epoxy Putty to start making it look clean.
Your options for flash memory are expensive. You could get a SNES flashcart and have it built into the system, but the only flashcart I saw didn't have full compatibility.
Yes the FC-16 does if you turn it sideways. :P

I was looking for something with removable memory like this. Essentially I want to know if it'd be possible/practical to make something like that Powerpak and hardwire it in. I don't really want to spend $150 to get that so i was wondering if i could get something similar or make my own.
Actually I think Triton widened his to fit the cart inside the shell, so you might have to widen it if you would want to fit the powerpak/others inside.
or you could just go external...
But it's actually really complicated to make a flash cart. I don't think you'd want to try it yourself.
Hardwire in the SNES flashcart, than solder the pins for the SD card slot to the GB cart slot, and hack up an old DMG cartridge/ wire an SD slot in it. Pointless, but cool.
That would work, if the GB cart has enough pins to accommodate a CF card.

As for the size of it, Ish has a pic of a bare board for custom NES carts, not for flash carts. It doesn't have enough components to be a flash cart. I really can't tell how big the Flash cart is on Retro USB, but I see that the CF card doesn't fit inside it all the way. I don't know if it's because it can't, or to make it easier to remove.
So I got some ABS cement and Epoxy today. Here is what I did:
Taped the front of the button pad so it was flush with the case, then used ABS cement to fill the cracks as best I could. Then when that set for about an hour I flipped it over and used some epoxy to fill the gaps on the front and to give me a starting point for sanding. Now for some HI RES pics!

th if your arn't using cartrages why are you using something that can play actual cartrages, a dingoo or something could be placed inside and also give you more free room for a larger battery and also works off a sd card
I sanded the first application of epoxy and have yet to apply the next layer. I will also soon start on sealing the battery door and cleaning up the uneeded screw posts on the inside. AND! My FC-16 Go came in the mail today. So I can now begin wiring that to everything and figuring out where everything will be mounted.
More pics on what i did!
I attempted to desolder the cart slot on the mobo but failed, so i took some tiny wire cutters and snipped the pins one by one.

I got to work on sealing the battery door and making it flush. I cut out the battery compartment and abs-ed the door from the inside then put on the first layer of epoxy on the outside.

and this is my second layer of epoxy on the button plate.

That's it!