So i have a question for everyone. Anyone who can help will be a great person.
So everyone knows what an original DMG looks like. The recessed area where the screen protector sits, yeah? Since i had to make the screen hole bigger to accommodate a 3.5" screen, the rounded corner (bottom right) curves right into the screen hole. I am planning to make my own custom screen protector out of some think plexiglass and spray paint for the grey around it. Now, my problem is, i don't have a method for dremeling or sanding this recessed area. It needs to be straight, and the same depth as the original recessed area. I want it to look clean, not like a pos job. I have looked around and found a little metal type thing that attaches to a dremel, and sort of turns it into a router. I want something like that, maybe. Anyways, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how i go about doing this, they would be much appreciated.