
Which part of Colorado? I'm currently in Fort Collins. And apparently PalmerTech is flying in here as well for a bit. This will be epic.
hmm... did i start back up... well, a while back, i managed to salvage the snes cart slot and wire it up to another retro duo. but, that was over a year ago.


Wow, looking at that cart slot that must have been a big explosion to melt the plastic so much.
Hello I am new to this site. I hope to learn a lot about modding stuff and then hopefully moving on and making my own portably N64.
Sounds good; welcome aboard, Johhny :wink: Make sure to read the stickies and stuff before you attempt anything, or you'll be wasting your money! :P
This seems to be the area for this sort of thing...

Hallo gefährten, und modifikatoren!

I'm new here (Like I needed to say that), but not to the modding/hacking community. I'm actually a once-frequent-user of the BH forums. Will be again, but now is not the time for that. Not is the time for other things. Greater things... Wait what? Who'm I kidding? It's just the same old stuff. :rofl:

I'm using ModRetro as a way to reconnect with the community without officially coming back into the light. It'll allow me to get back into the swing, get some questions answered, answer a few if I can, and just chill again. The forums - both of them - have expanded and changed since last I made a public post (Of course, in ways, so have I). It'll take me a bit to get used to it all again.

So to my friends, and extended internet-family; I bid thee hello,

EDIT: Crap...How did I miss the actual section.....Geezus..... Sorry.
Re: This seems to be the area for this sort of thing...

Welcome, and Germany is awesome.
Edit: we actually have a meet/greet thread, you should probably post this there. It's okay, you're new.
Re: This seems to be the area for this sort of thing...

Thank you.

It is. Like Russia, it's a country of engineers.

I'm only half German (Other half is Irish), though. 50/50 split. A...Nazi leprechaun, if you will. Only without the nasty business of Jew-slaughter. Though I may, in fact, be related to the Red Barron. I've been trying to find out for a while.
Copied from the thread I made in haste and ignorance. I somehow totally missed this sticky. *kicks self*. I suppose this is why my screen name translates into "The Failure".

Hallo gefährten, und modifikatoren!

I'm new here (Like I needed to say that), but not to the modding/hacking community. I'm actually a once-frequent-user of the BH forums. Will be again, but now is not the time for that. Not is the time for other things. Greater things... Wait what? Who'm I kidding? It's just the same old stuff. :rofl:

I'm using ModRetro as a way to reconnect with the community without officially coming back into the light. It'll allow me to get back into the swing, get some questions answered, answer a few if I can, and just chill again. The forums - both of them - have expanded and changed since last I made a public post (Of course, in ways, so have I). It'll take me a bit to get used to it all again.

So to my friends, and extended internet-family; I bid thee hello,

Sorry for the mistake, guys.
Re: This seems to be the area for this sort of thing...

Heh, Russian engineers... :rofl: And Germans arent Nazis! But Nazis can be German... square can be a rectangle situation... I see this being locked in the near future, but once again, welcome to the forums!