
Yeah, they're pretty common around these parts.

Welcome to the forums, Antome! I'm Twilight Wolf, your friendly neighborhood moderator. Please make yourself at home, and if you have any questions about the forum, feel free to send a PM to a moderator or an administrator and we'll be happy to answer it for you.
I'm new here, and to BH, I haven't been able to start making portables due to a lack of money, and of an adequate work station. So, hellooo, I'm Hermaphroditus.

(Hermaphroditus is a Greek god, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite that was turned into the first hermaphrodite whenever a wood nymph was in love with him and asked the gods to be fused with him forever. I learned about this in like 7th or 8th grade and thought the name had sounded neat since then. Now I'm graduating and still use that name. :dahroll:)
Well, hello... I've been lurking for way to long at BH and here, so IDK, I feel like trying to jump into the community aspect of these forums, rather than just showing up for the odd comment here and there... I just finished my first year in college, I'm 18, and I don't have a car/job. Personally, I don't play games that much, but I enjoy playing with game consoles. I want to make a portable, but don't have money, plus things like a car are higher on my priority list... anyway... Hello everyone. I'm not stalking all of y'all, I promise. Also, Hi Hermaphroditus, odd choice in a name, but then, who am I to talk, I sound like a spame bot.
Wellhi, as well. And yeah, about your name, but oh well.

Also, for the record, I'm only new to posting, I've been observing BH and YouTube for quite a while. Some of SS's videos were among my first to see regarding portables.
Have only just noticed this topic so figured I'd properly introduce myself.

Ya all know my name <<< I'm 20 from UK and work in IT aka surfing the web all day and getting paid for it :p Some of you may have already noticed that monstrosity of an n64p I'm currently making in the n64 section.

Anyway, hey all!
Hi guys, New here.
A little info
19 male highschool student
I live in Alberta, Canada (most of you look like you live in the states)

Time for some fun?
Snafu said:
Hi guys, New here.
A little info
19 male highschool student
I live in Alberta, Canada (most of you look like you live in the states)

Time for some fun?
Yay, another person above the age of 16 :P

Heya, I'm Hermaphroditus. And welcome!

Also I love Snafu comics.