

#1 Female Member
in switching from the lameness that is BH, some of us have changed usernames. so people know who you are, post your old username, and your new one. :)
Re: Who are you

People who change their name should put their old name in their sig, makes it easier to re-group.

SamJC3, if you really plan on leaving, don't get banned like Eurddrue. In a few weeks, a mass leaving, say, a few people a day posting "I am leaving" threads on benheck will get a lot of attention. ;)
Re: Who are you

PalmerTech said:
SamJC3, if you really plan on leaving, don't get banned like Eurddrue. In a few weeks, a mass leaving, say, a few people a day posting "I am leaving" threads on benheck will get a lot of attention. ;)
this i shall do. however, we should wait until we have like 100 or so benheckers here, then all leave over a two day span. just make post that says something like:
i am leaving. see you over on modretro.

i doubt i will truly leave (at least for now. in a few months, when we are picking up in popularity), although most of my attention will be here.
Re: Who are you

I'm still going to stick with benheck. Been the for a long time and still will go there. And will try to be simi-active here.
Re: Who are you

To be honest, I somewhat doubt I can really "leave" benheck, either. I will probably stop posting there, except for my completed projects and tutorials, even even then, just to link here.
Re: Who are you

Basement_Modder said:
I am Basement_Modder, but most of you know me as Basement_Modder. :lol:
GODDangit! I HATE THAT FRICKEN UNDERSCORE :lol: Every time I go to post your name I have to go back and put an underscore in because I always hit the ")" button. Oh, and since you have no precious benheck mods to protect you, I hate the way you bump all of the old topics and add absolutely nothing important. Thanks for narcing and getting me banned.
Re: Who are you

Hear, hear. I take it that is a response to the LOTWRDB ridiculousness?
Re: Who are you

eurddrue said:
Basement_Modder said:
I am Basement_Modder, but most of you know me as Basement_Modder. :lol:
GODDangit! I HATE THAT FRICKEN UNDERSCORE :lol: Every time I go to post your name I have to go back and put an underscore in because I always hit the ")" button. Oh, and since you have no precious benheck mods to protect you, I hate the way you bump all of the old topics and add absolutely nothing important. Thanks for narcing and getting me banned.

How did I get you banned?!?
Re: Who are you

*the modz* told me that someone complained, and they reviewed my posts and I had four minorly flamey posts. 3 towards you and one towards HD-C :wtf: Then I posted the whole "how to have sex" thing and now I'm banned for a month.
Re: Who are you

I would like to take this moment to express my gratitude for the laugh you gave me after I got home from my surgery. The whole "and then the girl squeals" thing was just too much.
Re: Who are you

ßeta said:
I'm ßeta. I used to be jjhammerstein, but that's a totally lame username.
I like jjhammerstein better because it doesn't have a german sharp "s" in it :wtf:
Re: Who are you

ßeta said:
It's Greek, ευρδδρυε, get it right.
No it isn't, I looked it up on wikipedia, and when I copied the greek weird looking "B" it was different. :?
Re: Who are you

Oh, I guess so. I just use the ß because I can type it on my iPhone. (just hold down "s"!)
Re: Who are you

this is kind of off topic, but one of the reasons we all came here is because of the massive noob population over at benheck. SO I would like to know what we are all to do when tons of noobs start coming here and begging for complete dreamcast tutorials, n64 portables to buy, and then posting things about "Ima biuld me a xbox360 portable!"? What will we do so that we don't turn into benheck?

Oh, and personally, I don't think I ever will leave benheck. I will probably become much less avtive there, but not leave.

Come to think of it, the only reason I go there as opposed to another site is because of the people I have met, but now most of the ones I care to communicate with are here.