Gamecube Portable... Known Guide?

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You seem ignorant of the ModRetro tradition of bad MSpaintshoops. :P

Dude, you can make fun of us all you want, but you are the only one here writing long, badly put together walls of insults. Feel free to come back in a few years when you grow up a bit, I am sure you will have to laugh at your current persona. Making fun of US for freaking out? :lol:
unicycler17 said:

Pretty much says it all...

This guys amusing... Can we keep him around? I always wanted a pet "kool cid.". They're so cute... Thinking they know how insults work, and having "real lifes" and such.
OMG, you know how to use Btunnel... You're SUCH an 31337 |-|4><0|27_ ... :facepalm:

But hey, at least I'll admit I have no life.
.... The *Can'tSayThisOnTV* is a btunnel? And lyberty how bout uhm hm idk SUCK MY FAT DONG PIECE.

I love you how you all think i actually remotley care what your saying. #swag
Rule #0- Broken with terrible grammar
Rule #1- Broken
Rule #2- Broken
  • Name is PalmerSega
Rule #3- Broken
  • If anyone thought *Can'tSayThisOnTV*life./*PLAQUE*life/Jetlife/PalmerSega was appropriate, then you can be new whipping boy. I don't mind. MR has unemployment benefits.
Rule #4- Possibly Broken
  • You appear to be under 13 years of age, but innocent until proven guilty.
Rule #5- Broken
Rule #6- Not Broken
  • I for one am surprised. The initial purpose of this topic is actually in the right place, although the rest of it should be in no place.
Rule #7- Not Broken
Rule #8- Broken
Rule #9- Semi-Broken
  • This thread wasn't "dead" per-say, but it was done with, and you just came back to be an ass.
Rule #10- Broken
  • You clearly had a problem early on, and you just made it worse by being an ass.
You also made an account parodying Palmer, the reason this site exists and still exists through all sorts of drama, and stole Afro's hashtag/signature.
Why are you still here?
Keep making accounts if you want. It takes you a few minutes, it provides amusing idiocy, and it takes all of 6 or 7 seconds to ban you again.
Our new friend, hereafter referred to by his censored title, JetLife, or simply as, "the subject," presents an interesting facade. It is my goal with the following, to create a coherent psychoanalysis of said individual. Therefore, we must first attempt to understand his postings, and then infer personality traits, based on the breadth of information his misspelled tirades present us with.

It is imperative, if one is to have a clear picture of the personage that is JetLife, that that individual has read all that which he has posted. After careful study of the aforementioned texts, we can say with certainty that our subject is either rather under aged, or mentally handicapped. There is a slight possibility that he has attained a reasonable age, but has gone the majority of his life without formal education, but this is unlikely. [1]

Statistically, since the number of mentally deficient people allowed on the internet is low, and since he was most likely educated, we will proceed on the assumption that he is a reasonably young individual. Based on the disregard he has shown for every rule he has come into contact with, it is also likely that he disregarded the 13 year age requirement stipulated by the forum rules and the US government. This disregard for authority likely stems from being raised in a household where discipline was not handled. It is likely that this was either a single parent family, most likely mono-maternal, or a family which ascribed to an ideology in which punishment for ill behavior was viewed as contemptuous. In any case, this has led to a false sense of self aggrandizement, where the individual in question believes he is either above the rules, or simply that the rules do not matter. This same over-inflated sense of self importance leads to his double standards regarding treatment of others, and the treatment others render to him. He, for example, will not see a flaw in calling another person a "*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing "Flamboyant Homosexual"," but will be deeply offended if another person were to do the same, or indeed, far less, to him.

The same bloated ego that leads to his treatment of others leads him to yearn acceptance. Because JetLife, in his heart, knows that he is better than everyone else, everyone else should invariably worship him, or accept him at minimum, and defer him respect, regardless of his conduct. The delusion leads to his explosive over-reactions to any criticism, direct or implied. These overzealous reactions manifest themselves in walls of hate filled textual abuse of any and all who took issue with him, and even well meaning persons who have been caught in the crossfire.

We can therefore conclude that JetLife is a product of a dysfunctional family, and furthermore, a product of a failed education system. Unfortunately, rather than seek out counseling, or help from another source, our friend has instead opted to take to the vast tracts of internet, where he can attempt to live out his power-trip fantasies. We can additionally conclude that he has a strong unconscious desire to engage his mother in sexual intercourse. Fortunately, we can be sure that society will solve his problems. If he makes it through the probational and correctional programs he will invariably end up in, he will either become mature, or wind up in prison. In either scenario, he will no longer present an issue to this. I weep to think that there are such casualties of our ailing social systems as JetLife, but it is quite common.

[1]: It is apparent, based on the subject's fluency in slang and colloquialisms, that he is American, or at least a 1st world resident, which establishes a high likelihood of having been educated.
Not only does this thread not need to be open, people have also been posting extremely off-topic.
You're either bipolar or a troll (although that may be giving you too much credit).

Either way, if you really have no life, feel free to keep making accounts and we'll keep banning them. Oh, and fyi, you should try to just change your real IP instead of using flaxty proxies, but that's just me.
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