GameCube LITE [WorkBlog update 4/28/2011 ~PAGE 12~]

Re: GameCube LITE battery

wyadith said:
I found a battery you might be interested in :) ... 43a35fabe8
That IS a good battery!
But there are some negatives:
-Most of the people on eBay lie on battery's. Like they say it's 6000 mAh but in real it's only 600...
-It's 15 CM of width! That's freakin' long!
-Wait... Where's the charger?

I really appreciate that you make an account only for that link, but I don't think I can use it...


Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ! =12/4/2010= *SEE PAGE

Little Updatey!

I think I will do the replaceable battery pack idea...
I changed my mind. :dah:
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ! =12/4/2010= *SEE PAGE

True I also realised that the shipping would have been a tramendouse $$$ not even worth it :?
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ! =12/4/2010= *SEE PAGE

Finally... UPDATEZ!!!
(Pics will come later)
I got vacation now, that means: LOT'S OF PROGRESS IS GONNA BE MADE! :dahroll:

The updates:

-I got the PS1 Screen! I hooked it up, it works fine! BUT, from my point, it's a little over colored.
I mean, the red is a little to red, the blue to blue, get it? How can I change this?

-I started dremeling the screen hole out of the ZN-45!

-The GameCube is giving a very rare error! It starts up, and as soon as it loaded the DVD (still in boot screen)
it says: "An error has occurred. Turn the POWER off... bla bla bla" Any help?

Please help me with point 1 and 3!

Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 17/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 5

Not a rare error at all. The most common in fact. :)

The gamecube gives that error when the disc drive is not plugged into the motherboard. Plug in a working disc drive and this error will go away.

EDIT: if this error happens after booting a game, then the lazer is having problems. Try tweeking the variable resistor (think its called) or using a new lazer. Check Kasar's guide for instructions on the resistor.
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 17/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 5

Tchay said:
Not a rare error at all. The most common in fact. :)

The gamecube gives that error when the disc drive is not plugged into the motherboard. Plug in a working disc drive and this error will go away.

EDIT: if this error happens after booting a game, then the lazer is having problems. Try tweeking the variable resistor (think its called) or using a new lazer. Check Kasar's guide for instructions on the resistor.
I already knew that :oops:
What it does is:
It shows the intro, the full boot sequence, then when it's done it shows an error.
It is the intro when the board is plugged in.
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 18/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 5

Try plugging in a different disk drive.

The DD, in my opinion, is the most finicky part of the gamecube.
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 18/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 5

ShockSlayer said:
Try plugging in a different disk drive.

The DD, in my opinion, is the most finicky part of the gamecube.
I tried 2 other DD boards but no difference...
Any ideas?
(Maybe the Mobo is just dead, then I gotta buy another GC (my fourth this project :dah: )
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 18/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 5


I successfully cut the Screen hole, and to see how it looks likes now I assembled it!!
Here are some pics:














It still has the (I call it the) "Irritating Error".
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 18/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 6

Check the GC's plug, make sure there is nothing bridging on either side of it, no bent contacts, ect.
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 18/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 6

ShockSlayer said:
Check the GC's plug, make sure there is nothing bridging on either side of it, no bent contacts, ect.
Which plug?
The controller, AV, DD, etc?
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 18/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 6

ShockSlayer said:
Nope. Nothing.
But, when I cleaned it up (and the Mobo itself), it doesn't show the error
when there's no DD inserted (except the error when it sees that there is no DD)...
Very weird this...
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 18/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 6

I tried SDload or SDboot (can't remember) without the laser but with other stuff. It won't load any backups off the SD unless it reads sector 0 (IIRC) off the disc first, then it swap reading from SD card. It will NOT work without an official game and laser. If you every do find a way to do it slimmer or without a DD, please PM me because that's the reason I stopped my GCp...
Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 18/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 6

hidiosoman said:
I tried SDload or SDboot (can't remember) without the laser but with other stuff. It won't load any backups off the SD unless it reads sector 0 (IIRC) off the disc first, then it swap reading from SD card. It will NOT work without an official game and laser. If you every do find a way to do it slimmer or without a DD, please PM me because that's the reason I stopped my GCp...

Thecawesomeone said:
Tried a different laser?

I already found another GameCube for about 6 dollar, so I'll try to get that one.

Re: GameCube LITE [WORKBLOG UPDATEZ: 18/12/2010 *SEE PAGE 6

Protip: Look for broken gamecubes, either on ebay, craiglist, or locally. I got 3 cubes for $10, all of them worked fine except one, it was literally missing the laser. o_O

Best part about that deal was I found it on ebay by searching for closest first, then finding out a local pawn shop was listing them, calling them and asking for them, then driving there and getting it all within 30 minutes.
