
Here :D


So how do I fix the problem? if you can't see it, what it is is the metal expanded from the heat. It doesn't want to stick to the solder. Is there any advice?




I'm no expert, have never soldered and am sure you've tried this, but did you try using flux then re-tinning all the connections?
If those are cylindrical cells with tabs, then you desoldered the tab. You can solder it back on but I wouldn't. Its very dangerous and could damage the battery.
a preview of what? you wrote text that could of just as easily been put in a post and used clips of starfox assult
I has pics now, so it should be better :3

Update: Burnt the flax!!! Out of my finger with the soldering iron; however, that stupid tab is fixed!! :D

I will have L, R, and Z buttons on the back. They will be some push buttons from radio shack. There is a ps2 control stick, original A, B, Start, and C Buttons, and original D-Pad.

I cut the connection between the ether ports and the power supply to make the card slot holder. There is also a hole in the back for a memory card holder.