
Why should MR waste bandwith and server space on pictures when there are thousands of sites to do it for free? You're uploading it to the internet anyway, does it matter if it 's the forum or a hosting site?
The part that holds the expansion pack... plus some of the wires came off so i couldn't solder it back on. D:

Eye problem can't work on any thing for 2 days D:
I have a double eye infection... CRAP! I got my screen hole cut today and it looks might fine, for a n00b. Now I wait for the n64.>:3

Gots the paint and soldering more tomorrow.

EDIT!!!!: Okay, I want to buy squishy tact switches..... not from digikey cause of money.... Is there a certain name that they have?
MegaAwesome13 said:
I have a double eye infection... CRAP! I got my screen hole cut today and it looks might fine, for a n00b. Now I wait for the n64.>:3

Gots the paint and soldering more tomorrow.

EDIT!!!!: Okay, I want to buy squishy tact switches..... not from digikey cause of money.... Is there a certain name that they have? ... 1c0c90bc8f

Try these. And hope your eye infections get better soon :tophat:
Eyes are doin great! Thanks for asking!

I don't have time to wait that long. I want to get this done in three weeks.

Update: N64 came yesterday 8D

Played kirby for 3 hours!!!
I got it opened tonight. It is a version 4.... Nintendo soldered 2 of the video pts together XD So I'll fix that. I also bought some batteries and the metal broke that is connecting the positive to the battery, I think it was done because of heat and it just snapped. Any advice? I tried soldering it back together but that didn't work. And How would I prevent this from happening on the other battery.
Update: More of the case has been cut! Now I'm going to radioshack to buy my dad a soldering iron for his birthday.... He doesn't solder.... So i should have the wiring done by tomorrow night!