EDIT: "depressing as heck to read thread" (Segaing thread)


#1 Female Member
this isnt so much about cleaning the blood off, as that its there.
short story short:

my stupid cat decided it would be cool to see whats goin on on my desk. it jumped up, and landed on my hand, causing the xacto knife i was carefully cutting with to slide down my finger, slicing quite deeply as it went. 35 stitches, plus some of the dissolvy ones inside, and i cant move my finger for a month or more, until it heals. although, somehow, the doc doesnt think it will scar. so, now theres blood all over this mobo, so its probably trashed, and i cant use my right hand at all. therefore, no soldering or anything for a long ass time. stupid cat. :gonk:
funny thing is, it didnt hurt at all. :)

but god. this sucks. anyone ever had flax like this happen?
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

UM OWW! *Can'tSayThisOnTV* man that sucks. I slit my thumb open today on plastic which isn't fun. Thats about it. lol
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

yeah, the sharper the knife, the less you feel it when you're sliced.
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

Heh, I'm probably the only left-handed solder(er?) here. Although, I did burn the living crap out of myself a few months ago by grabbing the hot shaft of the iron. No more soldering at 2:00 A.M.!
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

The motherboard is fine. During the finalization stage at the factory, they often rise with a slight acid wash, blood is NOTHING.

Get some laquer thinner and something designed to remove blood from clothes. SOAK the mobo in it, then scrub with toothbrush. Use thinner as needed for final cleanup.

To be honest, let the blood dry, and the mobo will work fine with no issues covered in blood, while also giving you massive emo cred points.
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

I cut my pointer finger on my right hand REAL deep, but it was at an angle. :|

I think I did some permanent damage because I can still kind of feel it when I stretch out my finger in cretin ways.
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

I did some thing like that with my thumb. Couldnt play games for a couple of weeks. Also, ouch! that must be really painful now!
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

Sorry to hear that.

When I was making my first portable, the Etch-a-Sketch Radica, I had two boards hot glued together. I tried to use a utility knife to cut them apart and cut half my thumb almost off. 12 stitches later it was fine, but I didn't work on that portable for a while.
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

One of my friends accidently cut off his thumb once, and had to replace it with one of his toes.
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

Stab the cat with the same knife and shove the board down its throat.


In all seriousness, ouch.
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

ShockSlayer said:
Dogs > Cats



war you say?


Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

I *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing love that movie! Anyway tell people you killed someone for that board. Seriously, tell them a ninja tried killing him so he cut your finger cause you moved and you slit his throat.
Re: Cleaning blood off a circuit board?

The main dog was a beagle. Like my dawgs. It was awesome.

Also, why does he hold a multimeter? who knows.
