CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP)

Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed

This reminds me of the first portable I made too :)
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed

Mine was so ugly. Not even kidding. So looking at this as a first portable I'm very impressed. :P
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed

[/img]Well this was what mine looked like:

I put in the c-stick. It worked well, but I had to put a tact switch over the b button. I ended up scrapping it for parts.
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed

@orangeziggy84 :
orangeziggy84 said:
The squared sides were certainly not very convenient :lol:

Anyway I think the most important part in a first gamecube portable is to finish it... Actually I never ended any portable so far (and I'm trying to make a super small one :lol: )...

So keep up the good work Gamerlolwind, I hope you will end it soon.
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed

Thanx guys for the comments,
I'll do my best to finish the GCp, just a like more left to go, (only a bit more)
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed

Still waiting on the second GC controller from amazon uk to arrive :wtf:
When it is here, I'll be sure to let you guys know with a big post on it (here).


- gamer
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

Offical gc Controller recived today!!!

Yay, finally and it works great!

Now to mod it for the ABYX board (copy & paste) from old board wires to new :awesome:

Cool stuff soon.
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

New updates to ABXY board.
I removed the c stick part from the type 2 controller (the one you saw one post above)
And some other parts (to make it more flat)
Um, now the tricky part:

Since my controller is not a type 1 (the one that I sent ashen to mod for my portable)
I can't just copy paste wires etc.
but I can wire to the chip for type 2, 5 wires all together!

A,B,X,Y and GND.

And will cut the board to use only the chip part (safe cut via ashen's diagram for these controllers) and the ABYX part.

made my own diagram for wiring the type 2 controller pins to the chip for the ABYX part (using ashen's diagram and type 2 diagram for the safe cut):

Did work on the buttons and ABYX shell part:

and removed some unwanted parts from the controller:

so, the idea here is to utilize this part for using it on my gcp. simple idea really in theory, i hope it works in practice?

Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

Okay, today I did the soldering on the new ABYX board.
I soldered the wires to the ABYX and GnD points on the type II controller and the applied epoxy to secure them good (better than using hot glue like I did last time)

And I safe cut one part of the board, using this metal cutting tool:

the cut worked nicely :)

using this pcb board for mounting the abyx part on my case:

it should mount like this:

Anyways, now I'll test it out on my GCp (I hope it works)

If this works, then my GCp is done basically.
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

hay guys,

update on my GCP controller mod:

the controller type II mod didn't work :(.

no matter what pins i tired to connect, no response :(

but, i used Kasar's second method II,

"which is to solder the wires from the one controller (the one in my gcp),
to a custom made tact switch board.

the tact switch board has 4 x tacts that are 2 pins, one for the button (A,B,Y,X),
and the other is GND which is joined up together and goes to the GND of the controller (type I) that is in my GCP"

and, it worked :mrgreen:

video update:

Special thanx:

Ashen: for modding the controller for my GCP, and using really good epoxy for keeping the wiring to the chip intact :mrgreen:
Kasar: for providng useful gc controller stuff + help
tchay: awesome dude.

More on portable soon...
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

thecasperrojas said:
Hey nice work man also you should totaly resize your ds image singnatier

Thanx, casperrojas :)
Yeah, I'm super excited for my new awesome GCP!

Um, yeah I had some issues regarding my ds sig, finally got it to work properly, but it takes up most of my sig area, (which kinda sucks big time, and needs fixing).
I'll work on that.

Anyways, I added the video update for the ABYX part. Check it out if you haven't yet.

More soon...
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

This portable's hardware is great, but the way you put it together seems flimsy to me :? . Is the portable fragile, or is it comfortable to play? I ask about comfort, because the tacts seem a little painful to use in games like mario kart, seeing as they are small and rather pointy. Since you did the button layout correctly, it would be nice to see little button caps on the tacts, it would add to the style and comfort, in my opinion. Good luck on the portable, hope you finish soon dude! :)
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

NNSS said:
This portable's hardware is great, but the way you put it together seems flimsy to me :? . Is the portable fragile, or is it comfortable to play? I ask about comfort, because the tacts seem a little painful to use in games like mario kart, seeing as they are small and rather pointy. Since you did the button layout correctly, it would be nice to see little button caps on the tacts, it would add to the style and comfort, in my opinion. Good luck on the portable, hope you finish soon dude! :)

You mean the tact switch board for the ABYX?
Um, yeah I tried buttons and all, but no success. Nevermind this setup works fine for me :)

Also, thanx NNSS :)
Today I got some PVC black tape to cover/secure the back of the system (and keep the parts together) and it worked. And it matches the system's back colour :)

So, it works, just need to recharge battery etc. (also need to get some more stuff etc).
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

Gamerlolwind said:
NNSS said:
I ask about comfort, because the tacts seem a little painful to use in games like mario kart, seeing as they are small and rather pointy. Since you did the button layout correctly, it would be nice to see little button caps on the tacts, it would add to the style and comfort, in my opinion. Good luck on the portable, hope you finish soon dude! :)

You mean the tact switch board for the ABYX?
Um, yeah I tried buttons and all, but no success. Nevermind this setup works fine for me :)

To correct my statement, I just tested out tonight the ABYX buttons with shell I made a while back and it works. To my unsurprised face :awesome:
Because the button layout (tact switches are placed and soldered to the correct points and places of the ABXY, it works great :).

Not bad, but needs to be hot glue filled (the shell of the ABYX, in some areas and then mounted with cardboard in the tact switch spaces so the shell fits in perfectly and won't come loose.

I also made some l/R button mods, using hot glue and cutting the plastic off to fit on my case for the tacts. l button works great, but R button (the tact switch) sticks in the case side (which makes it kinda of hard to get a response when pressed with the r button.

The portable is ready, just need to get the buttons working etc. and charge/test the batt pack.

Not long now, but I was busy with the other GCp project, this project isn't abandoned or anything, just haven't had much time to work on it.

More soon.
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

Hay guys, today I finally fixed the ABXY issue and added the GC shell with button on top of the tacts with cardboard spacer and mirror tape and put the ABXY GC shell with GC buttons (with hotgule in them)
And it works great :).

I'm SO glad it works finally!!!

Now the fix for the l trigger:

L trigger:

Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

Minor update 13/1/14

I got sick of the plexiglass part that the screen was protected by as it got dirty and dusty a bit,
Anyways I went to public today and bought myself a 3dsXL screen protector kit for 5.99€ ... 0857pp/%0A

I had to cut and just the screen protector for the GCp screen size, and it worked (I used the 3DSXL Top screen part as it offered more space to protect the screen from dust etc than the touch screen protector.

So, now that the screen protector is applied to my GCp screen I'm fine with that :)

Now, I'll need to get some buttons to use on the R trigger and Z button, I'm thinking of using the buttons from a SNES controller, I found a good deal on amazon uk that sells 2 x SNES controllers for a total 14.91€ and I can use the other one for emulators etc :)
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

Gamerlolwind said:
I'll need to get some buttons to use on the R trigger and Z button, I'm thinking of using the buttons from a SNES controller, I found a good deal on amazon uk that sells 2 x SNES controllers for a total 14.91€ and I can use the other one for emulators etc :)

Hay guys, I ordered the 2 SNES controllers from amazon uk and they are on their way here :)

The disassembly of the SNES controller is fairly easy and the buttons should work quite nice for the R & Z Triggers :awesome:

Generally the GCp is looking great, it runs fine from wallpower and is pretty cool and the airflow is wicked thanx to the fan and the mounted system on the outside of the case (& it is held on tightly to the case with lots of PVC black tape and it's generally very lightweight.

The controller stick good, but moves a bit so I'll need to apply some hotgule to make it stable in place (as it can cause sometimes slow Charater movement and gittering. :(

Batteries are still untested, as I'm not sure if they will work well. They are mounted on the inside of the case and I removed their cases and taped the batts with PVC tape. Not sure it this is a good thing to do. If it isn't let me know.

More soon.
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP


the Snes controller(s) arrived in the mail today, and they are asweome

cheap copies of the original, but should work for the R/Z triggers. :)

also the button's bottom has a very think part for putting a plastic membrane thing (with the black mushy dot things).

but if i add (some) not a lot of hotgule it should make a stable/flat/smooth surface to press on the tacts of L/Z,

more soon… (this is awesome!)
Re: Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed

Gamerlolwind said:
but if i add (some) not a lot of hotgule it should make a stable/flat/smooth surface to press on the tacts of L/Z,

No, hot glue will only stick to your tact switch. Been there done that. Makes for a horrible button press. Use a little epoxy on a piece of plastic that will be able to interact with your tact. Or test and make sure you even need to add anything to your snes triggers before hand.