CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP)

Re: Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed

DuHasst0 said:
Gamerlolwind said:
but if i add (some) not a lot of hotgule it should make a stable/flat/smooth surface to press on the tacts of L/Z,

No, hot glue will only stick to your tact switch. Been there done that. Makes for a horrible button press. Use a little epoxy on a piece of plastic that will be able to interact with your tact. Or test and make sure you even need to add anything to your snes triggers before hand.

Yeah, thanx for the tip, I tried adding some hotgule to the bottom of the Z button and then added some mirror tape and some hotgule on the edge of the GC area where the z tact is and the button press works great.

I haven't tried the R trigger yet, but it should work the same way.

Also, I didn't add hotgule on the tacts, but on the bottom of the buttons.
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP


Hay guys after A very LONG absence from my portable GC.
I finally did some work on it, today.
The main thing that held me back was the batteries that I added in,
I haven't charged them yet so don't know if they work okay or not,
That's why I was fearing of not working on my portable, but I also didn't have any time to work on etheir what with real life stuff.

Anyways. Today I mounted a SNES blue button to the R trigger for my GC using combo of magic tape thing and some hotgule. And it worked!
Also used some hotgule to "stabilize" the analog stick in place while making it work too,
At some point the hotgule got a bit close to the analog center, but I managed to move it easily to the side using my screw driver by simply pushing the hotgule aside. :)
And it holds great in place the analog stick, no more finky analog stick and sticky movement during gameplay ;)

Video of new stuff soon (and pics)? .
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP


Hay guys, I did a test on my portable to see how the new changes worked out,
And they worked great! The analog stick is tightly in place (centered) and works perfectly not slowdowns or stuttering Charater movement during gameplay. :)
The hotgule that I used (a little bit around the analog area) to secure it in place and keep it from moving out of place and causing award movement and such.
The R button (i used a lego bit with hotgule for the press) and Z buttons work great, the hotgule + tesa mirror tape combo works great and the SNES buttons help provide a solid button press (as I couldn't find the N64 ones I had used before from the Superpad 64 (the one Gman reccoemened me to use as it's got good buttons and such).

So, I tested these things out in Zelda Twilight princess for a bit, I started the game again from scratch. :)

Now the only thing that is left for my portable is to test the battery,
Charge it to full, use it until battery runs out, record playtime.
Re: CubeFusionPAL - Gamer's Third GCP attempt Completed (WIP

hay guys i did some progress work on the GCP, a bit well :P


i added stronger black tape than the PVC tape (which comes off early sometimes), the stronger tape is logo tape and doesn't come off as easily as PVC does :)

more soon...