ComiCon 2010 ModRetro meet up!

PalmerTech said:
Updating tomorrow morning with some moar info.

They are all sold out of 4 day passes, but we may all be able to get in regardless. For free.

all? :awesome:
Wait, what? How do you plan on getting into Comic-con for free?
I can get 2 press passes, but I may not if this other idea works out.

ComiCon has a volunteer program where you basically volunteer for 3 hours, then you get in the rest of the day for free. If you volunteer all 4 days, you get a special volunteer t-shirt.

It has not opened for registration yet, but be ready for when it does. Again, moar info tomorrow. We may be able to all work at the same ticket booth or something.
Updated! Post if you are not on the list.

More on the volunteer thing when it actually goes live.
Actually, there is almost a 100% chance I can go. More like 98%. But, it would leave me with very little cash. (like under $200) Which is not what I want. This is a huge decision.
Did I forget to say I'm fo' sho' going? :awesomemario:

Also, we need to wear name tags with our usernames, avatar, and real name on them. it would make introductions a lot easier. :)
I, for one, will be dressing as my avatar.

A nametag is fine, too.

ALSO. YAY, FO SHO! Will update now.
I'd love to go, but I cant, and I'm not certain I'd be able to anyways since I'm so new and have done nothing of interest. Put me on the want but cant, if you would be so kind.
Palmer, tell me more about this volunteer stuff.

Will it work? :awesome:

Also, I seriously hope somebody else with LOB64 will bring their portable. I want to see this in action!

Apparently my dad bought them early for my Christmas present. :) I'll still volunteer, though.
I called about the volunteer sheet, the guy in charge is not there or something. He should be there in 3 days.

I have a ticket for Saturday, but Mario, I will buy a Sunday ticket. Just to make sure. :awesome: Sunday is the best day to buy stuff, all the vendors are trying to get rid of stock before they leave=cheap prices.
modshroom128 said:
where is comicon/whats so great about it for a nintendo fan

Google it.

But to answer, San Diego california. All the big game makers have booths, including Nintendo, and there are TONS of cool things to buy (Bought my master sword there). The pokemon booth was handing out free poke balls, ultra balls, and great balls, too.