ComiCon 2010 ModRetro meet up!

From another person's perspective, how popular am I on this forum?

Oh, and I may be able to come, so add me to the list.
You have your own smiley. :lol:

Also, why do we still have Cabteria's crap smilies laying around? Does anyone use those?
HOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAP I WANNA GO!!! I'm on my way children. No need for thanks citizens. I probably won't be able to go, but I'll dream about it. :hit:
I might be able to make it, I have 350 in the bank and can ask for some more as a early birthday present. You want to help me find a flight
Wow! You are all the way aross the country, and it will only cost you $314 round trip!

Plan on spending about $350 by the time it rolls around.
What am im doing here in Norway ? Im American !! f#@x$5&$^*^`ck

When i turn 18, im going to move back to the USA! Just wait 4 years and i will come over there!

Put me in wan't but can't :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4:
I live in LA (burbank to be exact). It would be a little bit of a drive but I'm game. I would LOVE to go so put me down for very likely. :)
Updating tomorrow morning with some moar info.

They are all sold out of 4 day passes, but we may all be able to get in regardless. For free.