Bush's N64p: The Whacka 64 (for sale/commission!)

Ok, problem time. My power adapter just failed somehow, no clue how. I got the system to run from a battery, but now no power is running through it. Either they are now dead, or the PCB locked. Does anyone have a power adapter they want to sell?

Edit: The batteries are charging, I think they are just dead (hopefully)
Batteries came; I need to cut copper for heatsinks. Going to rabiesshack tonight to get crap; may be done tonight. But don't count on it.
If you're still thinking about adding a Expansion Pak, you could use Budnespid's and SS's secret.
I still know the secret. :awesome:

I think it's still in the N64 forum somewhere...

Oh, and I can't wait 'til it's done! If I won the lottery... I would buy it... For $1000 dollars...
Apparently the secret doesn't work. And Bud won't tell me. I mounted the shoulder buttons, and I put together a 4 player breakout box.
clarky said:
Words are meaningless without pics!!! :P
Well, it looks like shizz ATM. Im going to sand and paint. Also, you should have been here earlier Clarky I AM DISSAPOINT