Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can...


Hello. I'm Tashiki.
I hope this is not too common a post, and that this isn't frowned upon but i want someone to build a portable gamecube for me. Here is what it needs (Not including the obvious, buttons, power switch...):
-Rechargeable batteries. The more they can last the better. Very important.
-Battery indicator. (Can you do this? I saw one video of a portable gamecube that had it.)
-Integrated slot A memory card.
-Plays backups from SD, no disk. (I don't wanna scratch my disks)
-Volume up and down button or a volume slider
The console shall be a very light shade of grey. On it will be printed Two or three logos where you find it most appropriate:
-The gamecube logo
-My logo

-If you want, your logo.

Good luck!
Re: Paying 250 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

$250 won't get you a basic portable, let alone a top tier one with SD loading and all that fun stuff. I believe the going rate is more around $800, to as much as $1300. Providing materials would knock a bit off, but the main cost is labour - parts are probably between $200 - $300. The rest of the cost is gonna be tons of tedious work.
Re: Paying 250 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

All of my excuses i tought that most of the price was going to the material. Here i go with a new offer: 800 dollars only for your labor plus paid material.
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

if your droppin that kind of money go with Ashen or Zenloc/Loctronics
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

Thank you very much. I sent a request to Ashen to check out this thread already.
If Ashen does not answer tomorow, or maybe later, i'll try to get the other one.
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

As much as I'd like the spare cash, I just don't have time to do commissions right now, nor anytime in the foreseeable future. Sorry man. :/
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

Im sorry to say this but the legendary portablizers are probably not going to do any more commissions ever again. Try someone who is just starting, i would like to do a commission but i dont have a high rep because i havent really done anything to increase it. But a portable would surely increase my rep.
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

In that case would you agree to be paid afterwards? Meaning you actually have to buy the materials, and that i'll give you the money needed for it plus the 800 dollars for your hard work once you made the console.

That way i can be sure it's working, you'll make a video showing it's got everything.
But do you feel up to it? Did you read everything i needed in my portable gamecube?
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

Gman is your best bet. He takes commissions quite often, and he works very quick. Check out some of his projects in the finished section, his latest GameCube in a GBA carrying case is beautiful!
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

Spiicyice said:
Gman is your best bet. He takes commissions quite often, and he works very quick. Check out some of his projects in the finished section, his latest GameCube in a GBA carrying case is beautiful!
I'd have to agree with you 100%.
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

being as i am sort of broke i would need maybe $250 at first to buy some more parts. I have a wiikey and the buttons. i have a audio amp, 2 speakers headphone jack and switches. I would need to get batteries, a screen, a gamecube itself, a case, bondo ect.

Edit: if you supply all of the parts i can build it with no payment at first.
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

Rohan Loomis said:
Im sorry to say this but the legendary portablizers are probably not going to do any more commissions ever again. Try someone who is just starting, i would like to do a commission but i dont have a high rep because i havent really done anything to increase it. But a portable would surely increase my rep.
Ok, Rohan Loomis, it's time we have a talk. The reason you don't have a "high rep" is that you haven't finished a portable. You have yet to prove that you can create anything of value.

Tashiki do not pay this man as you have no guarantee of any return for your investment.

Rohan, Please stop making offers like this (including your website in your profile) till you have at least ONE finished project under your belt. Please stop giving advice for things you have not yet done yourself. (like that wiikey wiring thread a couple weeks back, is your wiikey even wired up yet?)

I understand that you want to be part of this community acting like a know-it-all when you know nearly nothing is not going to help you.

Also I would be very surprised if Loctronics and Ashen never made another portable. Dont speak for other people
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

Hey gman is you best bet , i would help but am working on my own and am also taking a commitions for a ps2p but if i was you i would totaly got to gman
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

Rohan Loomis said:
Im sorry to say this but the legendary portablizers are probably not going to do any more commissions ever again.

Ever again? Why do you say that?

And no offense, but iirc you're about 13 and I don't think you've made anything. Nothing wrong with that, but if you're going to take commissions you should at the very least have 2-3 portables under your belt imo.
Re: Paying 800 dollars plus ALL of the material to who can..

Then ill continue with my gc one, start my nintendo one after that is finished, and make a snes one.after that.