Monstercrunch's first GCp


Active Member
Hi !
Here it is ! My first GCp, that is not a true portable cause there isn't betteries in it (not enough money...). Here the video ! (I made english subtitles ;) )

-Made in France :D
-4.3" screen
-wkf with swiss autoboot
-16gb SD card (about 10 games)
-built in 128 blocs mem card
-NO batteries
-2 rumbles
Size: 5.1*15.5*25cm.

Specials thanks to:
-kazard for his amazing guide !
-Megalomaniac for the fast shipment of the WKF and DuHasst0 for their help to make it works
-lyberty5 for his painting advice
-and everyones who helped me in making it !

Hope you enjoyed it, thanks for watching, reading, blablablaba....

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Great job on your first one man! And nice work with the video. I love fun presentation videos :cool:
Hello ! I love the case you used, well done. ;)
PS : Je suis français mais je modde pas, du moins je veux pas commencer maintenant, mais je m'intéresse beaucoup aux gamecubes portables. Je trouve ca assez cher mais finalement si utile... MP moi j'aimerai savoir vers où tu te situes en France ^^ Merci.
nothing to frown upon for sure, splurging for a 32 gig sd card really makes a big difference.
Hey man I was just running through the forums on break at work. I saw you mentioned me in the credits. Your welcome for the help, if you need anything for help just let me know. Thanks for the shout out