gamefreak13 and NeoExdeath's multisystem

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:dah: Me and gamefreak13 are working on a multisystem. What we have so far is the frame, the screen,(psone) and the twin 1x1 in. cooling fans. I'm giving gamefreak13 85% credit because the production takes place at his house and it was his idea in the first place. I am mainly a graphic/sprite/concept artist. It won't be done for a while, so we'll tell you when it's done and ready for posting! I'll be posting worklogs along the way!
Re: gamefreak13 and NeoExdeath's N64P

The point of posting about it at all if you have nothing to show for yourself picture wise is to say a worklog will come, but since you seem to only want to post it when it's finished.

tl;dr post a worklog or don't post till done
I believe Gamefreak already has a worklog. Post in there please. Two worklogs confuse people.
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