What is your nerdiest/geekiest moment?


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I think I had my nerdiest moment today. We we're having a group test today and a friend and I were working together on the last problem. (which is always a really hard word problem) I'm in algebra 2 right now so it had synthetic division, factoring, foiling, polynomials, properties of powers, etc, etc. We got really into it because we started to figure it out we each alternated saying something right after the other, pretty much finishing each other's sentences then finally getting an answer. I then checked it on my calculator then said YES! We then instantly high fived.

It was actually pretty epic.

(I don't really have a geek moment that stands out any, nothing epic anyway)

So what's yours?
I used to work at GameStop and we each used to play video games while working one day me and my boss Kenneth were playing Shadow of the Collosus on a spare TVs and we were yelling obscenities at the sceen at the same time and the same thing at the same boss. We killed it at the same time and jumped up and high fived each other, the two other guys laughed and we kept on playing.

Another momement was us at gamestop trying to explain to a group of kids how much better LoZ: OoT was the Modern Warefare 2. Someone started explaining the spirit dungeon and I picked up, we went around in a circle explaining every little detail and finishing each other's sentences and picking up where people left, after a half-hour we explained the entire dungeon and where to find everything. We had a epic fist bump thing and cheered. It was awesome.
A few years ago me and a friend had a bet to see who could learn more digits of pi in a week. It was just a 'friendly bet' (so no money was involved) but I was determined to beat him because he was insanely smart.

By the end of the week, he had learned around 30 digits. AND... I had ... learnt ... 90 digits!!! I know more now, somewhere between 97 and 103 digits :D
I will overhear lots of kids at school saying things like, "I wonder how <insert electronic device here> works."

And I explain it to them.

In detail.
I talk in big words and detail how things work. The people at my school are idiots.
I avoid explaining things, because nobody cares about the explanations, and explaining the things does make you a nerd
A couple friends and I were hanging out one night watching Pokemon (yes I downloaded the first 275 episodes...) and we were out of Squirt. Went to the Gas Station and the guy working there asked us if we were playing modern warfare 2? "Bunch a kids buying Soda this late must be playing a game, what is it? Modern Warfare 2?" he said. In unison we replied, "NO! Po - ke - mon!". In standard Pokemon fashion!
The Keyboard Cowboy said:

The most epic part of the story is the Squirt. Best soda ever, I got a 48 pack flat for Christmas this year, I asked for it. :P

I can sing every single pokemon TV theme intro in English, two in Japanese, and one in Italian. My nerdiest moment is every time I prove it.
PalmerTech said:
The Keyboard Cowboy said:

The most epic part of the story is the Squirt. Best soda ever, I got a 48 pack flat for Christmas this year, I asked for it. :P

I can sing every single pokemon TV theme intro in English, two in Japanese, and one in Italian. My nerdiest moment is every time I prove it.
8 or 9 years ago in 3rd or 4th grade, i was REALLY into zelda OOT (still am :P) and had just gotten the blue power crystal thing...... i was in the library at my school and mimic'd his little dramatic scene when he uses it (blue crystal thing) .... cuz i thought it looked cool...the librarian was staring at me with here eyes in shock.... i walked away wishing for death :awesome: :twisted: :rofl: :hit: :mrgreen:

Sometimes I hate knowing so much about pokemon..... my friend's cousin's are like 5-10 yrs and i have long conversations about how old pokemon games are better, and them being insanlily impressed with my 11 lvl 100s (and an ass load of 70+) and my 5 shinys..... i have no life!
Basement_Modder said:
PalmerTech said:
The Keyboard Cowboy said:

The most epic part of the story is the Squirt. Best soda ever, I got a 48 pack flat for Christmas this year, I asked for it. :P

I can sing every single pokemon TV theme intro in English, two in Japanese, and one in Italian. My nerdiest moment is every time I prove it.
Mp3 or it didnt happen.

my nerdiest moment, probably when i ended up teaching my 8th grade science class' electronics section, since i knew way more about it than the teacher. :dahroll:
LOL in 7th grade, our science teacher had us make continuity testers with a C battery, a light bulb, and 2 aligator clips. I said that there was a better way, and she said that there wasn't, so the next day I brought in both a multimeter, which she had no idea what to make of, and a homemade project box with two wires coming out of it, and a red LED lit up and it made a beep noise then the leads were touching. It had a pot for volume control, and the ends were wires that were soldered up for stiffness, and a small piece of toothpick after them up the wire wrapped in electrical tape to be held.
XCVG said:
I want to build one of those.
XD Imma go see if I still have it. My teacher flax bricks. The beep was from a kitchen timer that I found a pin on that, when connected to voltage, made the thing always beep, in addition to makin the LCD all blurry, so it got cut off. That was in paralell with the LED, and ran off an internal 2P-2S AA battery pack, fir 3v. The wires were red and black fro an N64 controller cable, and the LED was an N64 LED. The wires plugged in with a mono headphone jack from ratshack. The pot was the same resistance as the speaker, and was on the + speaker wire.

I was a 13 year old winrar.
ah, yes. Synthetic division. Something you'll never see again.

As for me, I had an instance of awesomeness with my brother when we were on the same wavelength. We were at a party (yeah, we go out and drink together) and someone asked us if we were brothers. He said "no", and then there was a pause, and then we both came in unison "yes!" just like Night at the Roxbury. It was epic.
When I was in junior high school, Doom was released. This sparked a very intense and long-drawn out life-and-soul-sucking involvement with me and a small circle of my friends. During lunch breaks, we would break out our graph paper and hand-draw out maps for Doom and Doom 2, having heated discussions on what the limits of the node builder might theoretically be, how far we could push it, etc etc. We also learned to finagle our early 56K modems to work better with Doom through reprogramming certain functions of which I am now completely oblivious to, other than eliminating error correction completely.

We were the brunt of many a joke. And that's ok.
All of you guys are much more epic now. My Geekiest moment is when I... ah, crap, I cant remember it right now. Dang it, I'll tell you later.