What games would you like to see a sequel/remake of?


Frequent Poster
I was playing Power Stone 2 today and I realized,

So what games do you wanna see a remake/sequel for?

Power Stone
The first 3 Resident Evils
Phantasy Star Online
Phantasy Star online HAS a remake.

I want Chrono Cross, a REAL Chrono Trigger sequel, and a remake/sequel of "Pokemon Trading card game GBC" and "Pokemon Snap N64". Honestly, the Wii is MADE for pokemon snap. And the DS is PERFECT for card games! Seriously! Cards on the bottom, play field on the top!
PalmerTech said:
Phantasy Star online HAS a remake.

I want Chrono Cross, a REAL Chrono Trigger sequel, and a remake/sequel of "Pokemon Trading card game GBC" and "Pokemon Snap N64". Honestly, the Wii is MADE for pokemon snap. And the DS is PERFECT for card games! Seriously! Cards on the bottom, play field on the top!
Pokemon Trading card game GBC FTW!!! (I can't beat the science dude who has 10 freaking mewtwos though) Pokemon Snap N64 GTFO!!!
One Must Fall 2097, Terminal Velocity, Robot Odyssey, Doom 2 (Doom 3 should have been called Some Other Game by id,) Full Throttle, an NR-17 remake of 7th Guest, and Bushido Blade (the only non-PC game of the group :\ ) If only half of those games were re-done, I would be amazingly happy.

There's supposedly a remake for 2097 in the works, but I haven't heard much about it recently, and it's fan-made besides. And don't get me wrong about Doom 3, aside from it's horrible game play it was a wonderful game - it just wasn't Doom.

edit: I stand corrected, download of One Must Fall Battlegrounds in progress. 256 meg demo.
There needs to be a remake of Duke Nukem 3D. It was a really fun game but horribly outdated.
I want to see a Crash Bandicoot or Spyro game. I know there have been recent ones, but I want to seem them made by their original developers. That's when the games were good.
That too, but I listed games I don't see happening.

A new Kid Icarus has to be made... it has to.... :cry4:

We need a straight jacket smiley.
Chrono Trigger
Terrinigma (sp error?)
Bushido Blade (W/O bad voice acting)
A new F-Zero game
King Fu Chaos
Midtown Madness
Warcraft (the RTS)
Voodoo Vince
jet set radio (i know abou the sequal for the xbox. it sucked. we need a good one)
shadow of the colossus more colossi, weapons, epic gameplay and so forth. ( a true sequel, not a spirital sequal like project trico)
sonic spinball. self explanitory
zelda (original, open world innocent fun run around playing ocarina type games, not serious, dark, twiligh princess types.)

yeahthat^ :dahroll:
XCVG said:
There needs to be a remake of Duke Nukem 3D. It was a really fun game but horribly outdated.
you know they HAVE updated it quite a bit? 3dRealms and a bunch of fans made high-res textures for it as well as giving the enemies and the Duke full 3d-models.
grossaffe said:
XCVG said:
There needs to be a remake of Duke Nukem 3D. It was a really fun game but horribly outdated.
you know they HAVE updated it quite a bit? 3dRealms and a bunch of fans made high-res textures for it as well as giving the enemies and the Duke full 3d-models.