What games would you like to see a sequel/remake of?

Pokemon TCG
Kirby Star Stacker (In English)
Donkey Kong 94
MM7 and 8 in 8bit (on NES)
Blaster Master in 8bit form with diagonal shooting

Off the top of my head.
I wanna see them remake Super Mario 64 with really polished graphics for the wii to be played with a GC/ classic controller.
They did, and they made it better too.
Ha ha. :roll: :wtf:

Seriously though, that's a good idea. I think they should make Super Mario 64 DS Wii :rofl: Seriously, though, they should remake 64DS for the Wii, and give you the option of playing through with just Mario, or 64DS style, with all 4 characters. That would be cool.
i dont remember if i already posted, but i dont care.

shadow of the colossus needs a sequel! a true sequel. same thing, kill huge stuff with sword. not a spiritual sequel, like the last gaurdian, which, while it looks SHAMAZING, isnt what i was hoping for.

i would love to see a new version of jet set radio, too (one that doesnt suck, that is)

also, a new game like the jak games (best series ever. sadly, the new ne is supposedly for psp, and psp is fake)! seriously, though. theres no good 3rd person platformer/shooters anymore. it makes me sad. because, unfortunantly the only one left is ratchet and clank, and its not what it used to be. (anyone who knows ny games like jak, ratchet and clank, and such, please tell me what they are, immediatly, please!) :awesome: