Two Questions Can Someone Answer?

1.) How To Add LED's To Stock Nintendo 64 w/ Regular Power Supply.

The LED's Power Specs Are Here If It Makes A Difference

FW current: 20mA, FW supply: 3.2V (typical), 3.8V (maximum)

2.) How To Power Heat-Sink Fan On Stock Nintendo 64 w/ Regular Power Supply.

The Fans Power Specs Are Here If It Makes A Difference

Power Connector: 3-pin
Rated Voltage: 12V
Started Voltage: 7V
Rated Current: 0.1A
Power Input: .20W
You can probably find some pinouts of various ports in the mega sticky so i would just check around there until you find the voltage you want/need.
1. Like Ben said, find a pinout, then power the LED's from the 3.3V line.
2. The same, except with the 12V line, but why do you want to do that?
Just Getting Some Ideas For A Project I Wanna Do, Hoping To Change The Original 64 Case With A Smaller Case Adding In Some LED's Taking Stock Heat-sink out And Adding New One With Fan. With Out Changing The Power Supply Or Video Connections. I Also Meant To Say I'm New At All Of This Just Read And Watched a Bunch Of Info & Videos.
You Can Just Run The Fan Off The 12V Line But Be Sure Your Power Supply Has A Proper Stable 12V Line As If It Does Not The Fan May Produce A Small Clicking Noise In Your Audio Output So Also Do Not Remove Capacitors