
Was hoping to have this done by Thursday, but the screen and controller are not cooperating. I get weird things from the screen (black warblyness with some white that fades into either pure black or white, or colored bars) Screen is getting a healthy 8v and I've tried putting a 220uf cap on the video line, but it does the same thing. I've tried relatching the LCD cable multiple times, but I'm not ruling it out.
It's getting a healthy 8v. I was pulling ground from the n64's ground strip, which should be the same, but I'll try pulling it from the PCB. Didn't want to before because it's all taped up.
Don't remember what screen you are using, but if it's one of the ebay 3.5" ones you might want to check the onboard regulators and see if they are outputting constant voltage/the right voltage. I once had problems with that, ended up powering the screen off of the 3.3v line on the n64.

That ground strip I had originally soldered to will be sufficient, so that's not the issue. I guess try what SS said.
Ok. I think I'm just going to get a new screen. It sucks, but I think I have to. There's a short somewhere on this, connecting + to ground, and it wasn't caused by my soldering. Must be a burnt out chip or something. Ideally, I'd just replace the circuit on the back since I really like the LCD that's in (it's matte) plus I wouldn't have to re-lay it. Are these controller boards interchangeable?