Nintendo Family Computer
Nintendo Entertainment System
Mario's NES portable guide
Argelfraster's Yobo FC hacking guide
Replace the daughterboard using Brunoip's schematic
Doug's NES2 (Toploader) multi AV mod: RGB, S-video, composite (normally just RF ew)
RGB mod your NES with Drakon (intensive)
Replace bad caps on your NES
Other Useful Info
Banditpaw1's NOAC compatibility list
Keep your NOAC filtering caps!
Zaxxon's controller board pinouts
Nintendo Entertainment System
Mario's NES portable guide
Argelfraster's Yobo FC hacking guide
Replace the daughterboard using Brunoip's schematic
Doug's NES2 (Toploader) multi AV mod: RGB, S-video, composite (normally just RF ew)
RGB mod your NES with Drakon (intensive)
Replace bad caps on your NES
Other Useful Info
Banditpaw1's NOAC compatibility list
Keep your NOAC filtering caps!
Zaxxon's controller board pinouts