Who's this benmoto fella, I'll challenge him NAUGH!pLover said:I think the hosts should be people who have done great things, like:
Palmer (Forum founder)
SS (Awesome admin)
Jlee (Awesome Admin)
Benmoto (Smallest N64p)
Hailrazer (Awesome voice, plus he's a great portablizer)
It's also a lot easier to edit, but I think we should throw in a few video segments. I agree, we just need a good program we can be on and record our voices.kylechu said:I'd like the idea of having audio instead of video. My face lends itself more to audio then video.
Not to mention that an audio download would be a lot more convenient then a video download. I don't usually actively watch podcasts. I listen to them while I'm doing something. Video doesn't lend itself to that.