The MR Show/Podcast


The Official Ghost/Reaper of ModRetro
So I'm serious about this, I think we should do a show on gaming news and portables and stuff like that. I'd be intrested in doing this and hosting it and whatever, so if any of the admins/mods or members want to host with me, I'd very much like that. So post if you've got ideas or want to be a part in this.

Possible Hosts:

Samjc3 (if he/she/it finishes his/her/its portable before hand)
i really like the idea. i think it could be very fun, and informative. we could do special on points of modding, such as the led mod, or wiring batteries and such. and we could showcase new portables and projects.

how would it be done? would we use or a similar service? or host it locally (eww, bandwidth)?
Would it be an audio or video podcast with live webcams?

Someone would probably be the main host, an active member, and have a different person on every so often that has new stuff to show.
bentomo said:
Would it be an audio or video podcast with live webcams?

Someone would probably be the main host, an active member, and have a different person on every so often that has new stuff to show.
I think I'd be the main host since I'm the one making it and I am quite active as in on here every day. It would probably be a video podcast as we could have diffrent people on and voice maybe, I dunno. I was thinking of having 4 main hosts each week and then we'd bring on a diffrent person each week or so so they can showcase their new mods/portables.
I think 4 times a week would be a lot. How long is the podcast going to be, if it's like a half hour then at the most we could do it once a week maybe because not the many mods are made a week. Other people need time to get ready for their interview.

However I don't think mods will fill up the whole thing, we could talk about new technology coming out, announcements and such.

But I do think we should have SS and palmer make the intro for it.

I think it should be an audio podcast, but make it a video by putting the modretro symbol the main video, that way you can show pictures when need be, that way when someone is talking about a mod they did, the person listening can see what it is and what it looks like.
i think he means 4 people who are usually there, like on those god awful morning shows (the view). not 4 shows a week. maybe 1 a week, probably more like biweekly. ;)

I have nothing else to add.
OSHI- SS forgot to add SS to the end of the post!!!!!!

im liking the response here
I'd totally be on board. This sounds awesome.

Now we just need to separate this from similar ideas in the past by actually doing it.
kylechu said:
I'd totally be on board. This sounds awesome.

Now we just need to separate this from similar ideas in the past by actually doing it.
Kyle, I'm actually gonna make it. Otherwise I wouldn't have made a thread.
I've basically got my hosts for now, so I have to decide how to do it, do you guys want to do a live show from which I thought was cool or do you want to do a podcast? Either way I can see we will need people to do effects and crap, but we'll worry about that later on.

So a live show people can watch on the internet and put it youtube or a podcast?
how about both? we could do it live and record it so people could watch it later. i dont know how we would do that though. I seem to recall can save live video to be played back later, but im not sure. i also dont know about how we would have everyone on the same video feed. i dont think the thing we used for the last fundraiser would let us record. we could use a hypercam though.
I think a podcast would be better, because you have to schedule a live feed, and not everyone can fit to the same schedule. Plus you can edit and make sure everything turns out well.