the ModRetro wiki showdown

XCVG said:
Some jerk "dibsed" a bunch of pages, does that count?

Also, I think pictures should be worth something, else we just get a wall of text.

That some Jerk Was me.
And none of those count.

I just dont want people using the pages I made before the compo for points.
But he didn't WRITE anything except "dibs fool", so it's not really fair, is it?

Anyway, if someone edits my page does it disqualify them?
And I clearly said:

Those "Dibs Fool" pages were created by me.
They do not count. You can edit those pages and they will be yours.
snowpenguin said:
So if Afro has written 500 words, and I edit it by adding 250 more, do I get 750 or 250 points?


Its my page, not yours. You cant have points from my page.
AfroLH said:
And I clearly said:

Those "Dibs Fool" pages were created by me.
They do not count. You can edit those pages and they will be yours.

Those do not count, as in, they don't count in the contest, or your dibs do not count?

Be more specific, or you will confuse people.
Well, I've got a good start on the Game Gear page. May I lay claim to the Colecovision page, or was someone else working on something for it?
I've gotten the N64 and SNES sections almost completely done; of course I'm probably missing something. Starting work on the NES section if nobody minds...

I *might* do the Mega Drive section if nobody calls it first.
I have started work on a pn64 guide. Undecided as to whether or not to put it up, I've gotten past materials and opening the n64, at about 750 or so words. What do you guys think?

Also, shouldn't everybody be starting a tally?
I was assuming someone else was doing the tallying, because if you did your own tallying you could just lie, or even just get confused and screw up.
Keep your own tally, we will be checking the person who wins to make sure it is legit. Easier than tracking every single person.

Also, it is good to keep the articles hacking related, not just a copy of Wikipedia. ;) People go to the wiki for hacking info, not the history of the N64, for example. Not saying it is bad, but don't go overboard. Also, I would put the "Hacking Info" link for each console at the top of the page, makes it easier to find.
Tis' contest is bullflax. How fair is it that you call dibs ON JUST ABOUT EVERY CONSOLE?