The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable(Canceled)

Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Juassss Hace siglos que no trabajo con CNC's Así que dudo mucho que hiciera algo así ahora mismo.

Está de flux!!!!!!!
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Ummmm Some progress i made in the case.

I'm not happy with the old holes and make new one for the original gamepad.
Need to put some glue or epoxy or ABS cement, but in wood..... :?



External air flow and internal.


And new gamepad position with a screen protector(does fit by milimeter!!!!)

Need a lot of work before paint, but some pieces in the mail(iphone amp, new battery pack and charger...)
When the pads dry and fits, start the sand and paint imprimation.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Glued and painted with white brilliant first coat(say coat? La primera capa de pintura blanca de imprimación con brillantina).

When dry(fast than i think), painted with the first coat of violet. And it's pretty!!!!!

Waiting for dry and try to sand the bubles of glue in the control pads. When dry and sand properly, paint the second coat and start to mountin things inside the beast! :awesome:

Two pics for people:

First coat in white brilliant(imprimation)

And First coat with violet(before sand bubles)
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl








The controller does not run yet and the paint isn't dry and need some work , but the project goes fast to close and test, maybe in first of september...
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

The case looks nice so far. It looks a little uncomfortable to reach from the analog stock to the triggers though since it is pretty far. Please tell me you are going to sand the controller area down? With just a little more effort sanding, this could be perfect! Nice job. I really like the color.

I see a big flaw in your controller design. Your c stick is slanted like the rest of the buttons on that side. So inorder to move to 12 oclock (forward), you would have to do move it like 4 oclock. You might have to rotate the c stick if it bothers you.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Yes, it's not perfect. Tried to put only for show a preview of final case.
The C Stick need to re-center because it's incorrect. But i can see a "preview" and work on this.

The colour is beutiful and yes, need to sand the glued part of the controllers and re-paint. Not much, but need to reduce this bubles.
Thanks for the tip! :wink:
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

bugman said:
The case looks nice so far. It looks a little uncomfortable to reach from the analog stock to the triggers though since it is pretty far. Please tell me you are going to sand the controller area down? With just a little more effort sanding, this could be perfect! Nice job. I really like the color.

I see a big flaw in your controller design. Your c stick is slanted like the rest of the buttons on that side. So inorder to move to 12 oclock (forward), you would have to do move it like 4 oclock. You might have to rotate the c stick if it bothers you.

OK so bugman, you give me some ideas and you have the reason to all.

The C-Stick need to centering, because of rotation.

And yes, The L & R Buttons faaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr to play comfortable. I have long fingers, but insuficient for play well. Thanks for the tips man!!!!! :D

Need to realocate in the back of case. Need to dry the paint(two or three days) and make new holes and maybe new triggers with original or the Hailrzer's Quantam fighter pad triggers MOD that i have here, waiting for wiring.

Later, put the mini ipod amp(ebay) and test the sound, headphones and volume control and realocate the screen controllers(tact switches inside the screen).

Ufff lot of work....

The last Question. I have the SDcard of wiikey Fusion and Another SDCARD and original memory card. I need to understand if i put original memcard soldered to the memcard port 1 and SD Gecko to mem slot 2(with INT pin) and SDwiikey to play games.

Can i put swiss into SDGecko to play phisical backups with the original DD waiting my FFC to wiring the wiikey?

Or play emulators etc,,,?

I read all post from Ashen, but don't read what is the correct position to put SDcard slots.
My plan is to wire internal original Memcard in slot A for saves and SDcard(or SDGecko) to Slot B.

Thanks in advance :roll:
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

si puedes usar swiss en mem slot b y emuladores y back ups y todo eso solo tienes q escojer sd gecko b y eso corre como normalmente corre
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

thecasperrojas said:
si puedes usar swiss en mem slot b y emuladores y back ups y todo eso solo tienes q escojer sd gecko b y eso corre como normalmente corre

Gracias manoooooo!!! Es lo que necesitaba oir mientras pongo el wiikey :wink:
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Hi guys! Return from the dead.
Now it's time for helping me a lot.

I need to cut the gold borders of my board because don't fit entirely. I need 2 mm or less and a lot of glue to stay inside my finished wood-case.
I got the new batteries, soldering the most part of internals and trimming joysticks and another gamepad for future soldering.

I fried my two amps for sound. And now i'm thinking in put only a jack for headphones and amp.....FLUX! xD

I tried to put a mini-Marshall 10W but it's huge!

Time to put my dremel on and cut the gold borders. Can you help me with correct tool for cut the gold borders? I have a rusty metal SAW that broke my old cube board. I only cut the gold borders but the board don't turn ON never more.
Please! What is the flux tool for cut without broke another board? I'm close to finish my project!!!
The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Worklog

U can trim a GameCube Motherboard with a dremel or rotary tool with a cut off wheel on it.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Yeah but i have a dremel, but only few tools like for holes , sand etc... I don't have a rotary saw(minisaw) or other for cutting.
My dremel is very old and have few tools and very rust and dirty.
You say a rotary saw similar to quarter? but with teeths?
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Thnx zeldaxpro!!!!! I have one in my hands now.

I cut the gold borders and a little more in some traces.
And re-cut my old board (one that i think is fried) And now runs very well!!!! ;)

The thing is to sand and sand and clean before test or soldering.

I have now two new boards trimming and running , hehehe

Tried to fit in my case and waiting for my FFC to come. The wiikey is waiting for soldering and put inside the case.

I test many hours with the original DD and battery and is fine. Time to clean a little the meleé-wired-flax and soldering the memcard internal in port A.
Make some holes more and put the power on/of switches and charger/power wall into the case.

Many work incoming, but i'm very happy with my poor skill and my first attempt to make a GCp(my MCp).

Thanks a lot for the help in this forum, benheck, gbatemp, bacterias site and many GOOD people. And for you, lot of great portabilizers here and the guides.

I'm try to upload some pics and a video testing first time my portable unfinished, but PORTABLE!!!!! Not hanheld ;)

Seeya latah.....
The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Worklog

Hey man glad I can help. Hope everything goes well for you.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

zeldaxpro said:
Hey man glad I can help. Hope everything goes well for you.

Yes man! You help me a lot.
I have this with few rotary tools...

And with your help i got this...

I use this tool for trimming my boards. I havn't this tool in my house.But in the work, my friend gave me some of rotary disc like in the pic ;)

And my new worklog today. Hugeeeeeeeeeee advance today.






And a ALPHA TEASER 3 video that proof it's portable, not hanheld. :lol:

Very nice work today with simply trimming the gold borders of my board.

I need to wire the control pads and L+R buttons and testing some games before REAL close of my MCp( two weeks or more....)
I need to put a new amp or make a new one and put inside the project. And maybe a headphone jack.Does not need , it's for me not for sold. ;)
I need to receive my FFC breakout board to soldering the Wiikey fusion. And update to 1.5 and flash Swiss.
I need to solder some wires to new slim-fan from laptop and trimm a little my heatsink to fit all stuff inside without airflow problems or excesive hot under batery pack.
I need to wire internal memory card. SDGecko is out of my project.I don't need it because i can't play much time and i have and Android phone, laptop, PsP, DS, PS3, .....etc It's only for hobby!!! ;)
And need to clean a bit...very important
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

I know it's probably been mentioned but that battery pak is complete and utter crap.

It will give you maybe 20 minutes of playtime.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

nope. 1 hour with DD. it's a cheap 19$ 12v 6800mAh but
not real. Almost 2800mAh and maybe less than specifications.
But 1 hour for 19$ is good.
When put wkf inside 1 hour and 10 minutes....for playing at
reasonable constant 12v and drops to 10.2v.

Hey man! Seriously only 160grams and very tiny :)
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

It will last a few months tops. It's junk. I had the 4800mAh and the 6800mAh and they stopped charging after a few charges.

Also it is not tiny. You can get quality 2800 mAh battery paks half that size.

But if you're happy, well then.......
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Not happy,only conformist with economic situation.

have tons of 3.7v 16850 bateries or similar from laptops but need
to buy protection circuits and soldering and encapsulating
and buy buy buy buy buy........need money for other
important things like car,my house,wife,childs...

1 hour is for the moment "correct". :)

And make other things very important from internals.
For example,soldering the sticks, the buttons,relocate some stuff,sound...etc

But thank you for the info!!!! ;)