The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable(Canceled)

Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Doing some advance waiting my FFC...

Hailrazer's L & R triggers MOD



Power wall and Power switch and Charger hole(not yet)

Unattended gamepad mod(only dissasembly, not doing anything yet)








Uhhhh! A lot of pics! :D
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

I don't know how much cost wiikey fusion out of spain(ship included) but here in spain cost only 27€(almost 30$) with ship included.

But the FFC36 cable at Newhaven display or at spain(distributor) cost 8.25€(10$) and USPS ship 90$ "WTF???????"

In spain cost in total ship included 28€ but....

I'll try to the esiest way to put my WKF inside the MCP(MoRZi-Cube-Portable), but i'm not rich :? Better way is Ashen trick of cut the cable but is so tinyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Ahhhhhhhh Let's go! :roll:
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

You do know that there is a break out board to make soldering the FFC easy right?
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

I don't understand, sorry Can explain better?
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

It is basically a set of bigger holes that are easier to solder to hooked up to a ribbon cable slot that you can hook up to the Wiikey.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Mmmmm You don't read my last post Prog xD

I was trying to buy a FFC-36 on new haven display, but cost 100$ for me(only 10$ one piece) ship is 90$ on USPS 60$ on regular DHL express and 40$ Fedex.

Minimun of 50$ for 1 FFC36.

It's expensive for me. It's better made one myself xD

I don't understand break out board is.....
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

The FFC is a breakout board.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Ahhhhh!! sorry for understand :?

The problem is when i try to buy one of this "breakout board" or FFC-36 in new haven display or mouser or any of those distributors(digikey too), the price of ship triple(no sé como se dice triplicar) of the one piece cost.

If you buy in usa a FFC-36 cost 10$ or less and few $ for shipping.
But in spain if you buy one of this at 10$ the ship cost almost twice of 1 FFC = 50$ in Fedex ordinary 60$ in DHL Express(a week or two to receive) and 90$ in USPS(3 or 4 days to receive).

This is huge for 1 FFC.

It's low in spain at it's only 28€ with ship included and barcelona is near me(almost compared with the USA :lol: ) and receive in two days.

Anyway...i need this FFC because i'm not a younger and havn't an "amplifier-glass"(Una lupa o como se diga en inglés) but the pins of ribbon cable are so tiny for me and my soldering iron. I don't want to destroy the wiikey or ribbon cable.

Ok...... in the other side, i have some problems with the batteries and charger.

I made two On/Off switchs(from an old PC powersuply) and can switch to original DC from Gamecube to batteries.

It's possible to make a switch with 3 legs(6 pin) to change to one or another when you play?

I'm tried to switch when playing in a wall power to the batteries and the gamecube turn off.Need to discharge the original charger and reconnect.All run again, but i'm not secure this is a good idea....

Charging new battery pack in silence and try later.

NOTE: Sorry if you could'nt understand me well, if you try to write in spanish forum and read a language that not your's native language, you understand me WTF i'm saying now , sorry for inconvenience.It's very difficult to me.... :roll:
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

MoRZiLLo said:
I made two On/Off switchs(from an old PC powersuply) and can switch to original DC from Gamecube to batteries.

It's possible to make a switch with 3 legs(6 pin) to change to one or another when you play?

I'm tried to switch when playing in a wall power to the batteries and the gamecube turn off.Need to discharge the original charger and reconnect.All run again, but i'm not secure this is a good idea....

Charging new battery pack in silence and try later.

I think this is what you need, if you're not already using it.
Shockslayers charge and play diagram.

I don't know if it can be used to change between batteries and wallpower mid game.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Yes. It is. But i have discovered other form of charge and play.

It's very easy and you can play with your battery charger if your battery not at full charge.

But thanks!!! The pics in the thread you post are gold for us!!!!
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Wait, can you show us? If there's any problems with it, it's a highly dangerous incendiary bomb waiting to explode.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

No it's simply. Dangeous is swhitch when you are playing...


I'm suck at paint(dejavú??) , but this is howto i wired the system.


Note if you push the GC Wall to ON with plug the original Gamecube power , the portable turns ON. If you push OFF , the portable do not turn ON.


If you Push the Batteries(charger) ON the portable turns ON. Without turn ON the Original Power ON.....

And you can play with charger or with batteries. You need to turn OFF the batteries switch to unplug charger and play.

Yes, i will explain better but i'm trying to learn day by day(like rambo jajaja) :wink:

NOTE 2: GC power wall only wired negative and positive to the switch. This is how cut the power wall and power ON the system with charger or battery pack
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

If you plug in a charger while the wall power switch is on, won't the GC get double the voltage?
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

I don't know. Never i can try :wink:

But, in theory yes....Overvoltage for your cube.

I made the holes for L & R button and looks good!!! No pics for the moment...
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Me parece una mala idea usar una carcasa de madera

Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

ksspy said:
Me parece una mala idea usar una carcasa de madera


Jajajaja Como decía kasar, es lo único que tengo a mano.
Las de plástico son un poco truño y se quemarían igual que las de madera.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Ok some progress in the case

C stick(provisional)

Analog and D-Pad(provisional) blurry pic :?

Original L & R buttons(provisional)


And the case preview
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

MoRZiLLo said:
ksspy said:
Me parece una mala idea usar una carcasa de madera


Jajajaja Como decía kasar, es lo único que tengo a mano.
Las de plástico son un poco truño y se quemarían igual que las de madera.

Les tengo un poco de asco desde que en mi primer proyecto intente usar una de madera, estaba cortando para dar-le forma y me corte en el dedo y termine en el hospital. XD
Tampoco me gusta porque los agujeros no quedan muy bien y no son nada perfectos pero por lo visto tu te as salido bastante bien :D

yo te recomendaria lo que utilize yo, corte en metacrilato con un laser cnc, el resultado es perfecto y al milimetro:

suerte con el proyecto espero verlo terminado ;)