The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable(Canceled)

Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Started the new case.



More progress tomorrow or later.

Start holydays this friday and the festivals in my town :lolscroll:

I'm gonna drink much beer as i can! hahaha

See ya!!!
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

I have a new battery pack:


Wired to the charger:

And a tact switch for % of charge :)


And my screen is incoming....
The next week made important changes to all my project and renew all stuff and test my MCp only with batteries.

When i got my screen , i'm tried to make a video that showing the advances.

For now, i'm currently working on case and wire the controller, internal battery and a SDcard slot and LED.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

The new battery and charger is fully functional.

Found some ways to charge independent of the playing or not with batteries.
For now charged to the full in 3 hours. Without thermal problems.

This is playing around 20 minutes in batteries

You can see that almost 20% of discharge.

This leds gave me an idea for making this portable better. Have 5 leds. 100% / 80% / 60% / 40% /20% and when in 20% about 10 minutes to playing. Need to connect to charger ;)



Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Oh man!!!! I fried the regulator fuse :(

Tried to wire a bridge but don't turn on anymore....

It's time to renew the regulator or made a new one.

A 12v wire plug into a 5v AMP and a fuse take fire... I put a little iron soldering and made a bridged point but don't change. It's fry.

Need a new one. :cry:

Next week comes the last cube and a screen 4,3". I have another regulator, This week i'm try to replace the regulator if i can, but i don't expect that run well on my MCp. It's and old gamecube PAL and bridged fuse too. If i could try again in the other cube before wire all stuff again in the new one.

Sometimes, need pay attention to the wires. If you confuse one of them, you'll fry your little cube.

Anyway, my project comes fast to close and test. In next week, probably finish it. :roll:

EDIT: Image that proof is fried:

Old powerboard bridged 5a fuse

The new one fried fuse and bridged

The two fried powerboards(one tdk 2.0 and the other with 2a fuse not 5a like tdk 2.0)

The wired powerboard is the currently i'm use last time.

Waiting a new one....
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

I have again an internet conecction. :awesome:

1 month without it!!!!!! :evil2:

I have my new 4.3" screen and ready to receive my new gamecube. But in's not the fastest season to got mail...

When i take the new cube , i'll try to restart the project again. For the moment will stay in standby. No progress.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Bough a new gamecube(the last?) and a Wiikey fusion.
The DD need more power and the durability of the batteries affect the comsuption because the spinning of DD.
The Wiikey and SD gave more space and tiny portable.

But i need to test before with original DD and think to put WiikeyFusion and SD later.

Much work expect but i'm in holydays.

Working in the new and final case. The tupperware case is a bad idea and this type of plastic is a wasted time.It's fragile and crappy and ugly and...... :oops:

I'm try to find new one. Like thecasperrojas Hard disk external case. I have some of this in my house. Only need to find them :lol:
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

I'd replace those fuses, if something happends its fried
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Yes! I fried my little cube because bridged the fuse :cry:

I have another cube in the mail. The other two fried cubes, give me some parts and components for the new one.

Need to be "warned" next time...
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

I flipped out when my fuse blew out, found it and replaced it with a bus fuse housing and a 5a, nice and easy on a rev c
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Yeah! It's easy to replace the fuse , but havn't another here.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Got my new cube and the wiikey fusion. It's so tinyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! :shock:

I need a FFC.... Ashen is a god of soldering iron....and others that soldering directly to the cable.

There is no space for one hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll:

The new Gamecube unmounted and the WKF




Start again...... :?
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Re-starting project...

Bought a wooden case in the chinese-shop for 4.50€












Need to trimm a little the motherboard and put some holes with a dremel, but it's a nice case and better than ugly tupperware

buyed some spray paint in violet color and other in white and when the holes and the board fits inside the monster, i'm planing to sand all stuff and later paint in white and re-sand and paint in violet.

Need much work!!!

Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Gracias. Haremos lo que podamos :)

Need a lot of work and renew all of my old stuff.

I have my dremel and my soldering iron at 100%

More advances sooner or later....
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

OK!! I made some holes and cut the screen place.

Put composite and power to the screen and put the screen in the hole.

Made some changes in the amp for sound. The old amp is crappy and need lot of power. Need the power for screen,fans and other things inside my cube.

I havn't sound yet and the gamepad is waiting for fit in new holes and glued and soldering...

Need a lot of work!!!!!

Today i'm used 12 hours(half day) on making holes, soldering powerboard and screen and test various amps.

Tomorrow I upload pics and maybe a video,...

Seriously need a FFC. The cable of WKF is tiiiiiiiinyyyyy and my eyes need a focus or amplifier to see anything(i'm nearly 40...)

Put some batteries in serial/parallel to make two packs of 7.4v and 4400mAh(14.8v 4400mAh in real) but it's a pain... i'm finish for today.

The new Gamecube goes crazy when cut the gold part to fit in case. I'm not broke anything and don't destroy any parts.I don't know how stop running.
Tomorrow try to investigate what happen.

I put the new powerboard on my old board and runs fine :D

Ahhhhhhhhh need to sleep some.
Tomorrow more!!! :wink:

EDIT: OK some pics here,,,











And that's all!!! :cool:
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

Ok bought and FFC on newhavendisplay for 10$ "without" UPS or Fedex cost 90$ more.
Supposse tha got in the ordinary mail and month or two to receive, but i'm in holydays. No problem!

Well, I put some tricks in practice. The Tchay's and Amazing ShockSlayer trick for running off 5V and Tchay's for Sound hidden layer.

Solder a double wire to GROUND on powerboard pin 1 to the GROUND on pin 1 of Motherboard and bridged 5V to the 12V in the 21 and 22 pin of motherboard and screen runs well in 5V :wink:

Sounds but i need a new AMP for audio. The old is fried because i put high voltage than required in my other project.

Time to buy a new one.

This pics take from my LUMIX camera and the video too, running at 5V but on the wall(no batteries for the moment).




See ya!

EDIT: Ahhhhhhhh and forget to say this...In the video you can view a yellow cable wired to the pin 10 of powerboard. It's circuit protection and goes to the correspond PIN to the Motherboard. For any troubles....
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

The disc motor can't run off of 5V and fry.

Ya tengo el wiikey fusion y pronto me llega el FFC para ponerlo.

Another project awfull and bored to carry the DD.

Less space in this project for larger batteries and amp. And air flow.
Re: The MCp (MoRZi-CUBE Portable) My Gamecube Portable Workl

cool t deseo suerte y mano vas a usar custom regs ? o el power pcb original