The Ion64 is finished! Pics on page three!


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not posting it earlier, its actually been done for a few months. So, after 4 months of work, it's finished. Better case next time :D! Now, PICS:

Video coming soon.

Heres the specs:
C-stick for C-buttons
Mono Audio
Two vents
3.5" screen
Double Z, L & R
5000 mAh batteries
Perfboard Speaker Holes
And more...

Also, NEVER use JB-Quik or Bondo on Vacuum Formed plastic, or you'll die in a fire of cracked JB-Bondo'd cases. So there's my portable, and now i'm going for the worlds smallest! Thanks MR for all the help!


- mymixed
Re: The Ion64 is finished!

Nice! It's been fun watching this come together. :lol:

Good luck on your next portable!
Re: The Ion64 is finished!

That is a colossal portable. Good job, now you're ready to make an awesome one
Re: The Ion64 is finished!

Thank's guys,

I'm working on the next one right now. Also, it has batteries! 4.9 hours of battery life (according to the math). I'm going to semi-barbecue trim the mobo of my next portable.

- mymixed
Re: The Ion64 is finished!

mymixed said:
I'm going to semi-barbecue trim the mobo of my next portable.
Anyways, if you need help with that let me know.
Re: The Ion64 is finished!

I like the taste of barbecued board... Thanks bud, if I need any help, I'll PM you.

- mymixed
Re: The Ion64 is finished!

The batteries and last minute wiring did the trick... The spacer is what makes it thick, but thanks for the comments :D.

- mymixed
Re: The Ion64 is finished!

I really like this portable, I'm not sure why, but I do.
Re: The Ion64 is finished!

grossaffe said:
Even fat portables need loving.