The afternoon projects thread

Backseat moderating is approved, drue be breakin the rules. I would like a LOTWRLSS group, but only if there are no abbreviations, and no sig images.

Hey, bacteria, look! It's the joker!
*bacteria looks away*
Okay everyone who wants to join LOTWRLSS put the awesome smily in your sig! :awesome:

Here's my project... It's a solder fume extractor! Made from a power supply fan, it runs off of a 12v transformer and sucks solder fumes away from you. Spend an afternoon to lengthen your life. w00t.

If you are going to build this, us a wall wart that is around 12v or lower and has a milliamp rating as close to your fan draws as possible, as transformers change voltages based on current draw.


It's mounted to a harbor freight helping hands with a bolt going through the screwholes and tightened into the spot for an alligator clip.
Neat, Its helpful! You should put a switch on it to reverse the way it spins so you can have it blow just as much as it sucks! :lol:

I'm not even going to mention how disgusting that sounded to me.

Why would I need it to blow air on me, so I can get solder fumes in my face?

snowpenguin said:
I'm not even going to mention how disgusting that sounded to me.

Why would I need it to blow air on me, so I can get solder fumes in my face?


What, You don't like being blown? :lol:
I just remembered, and I should have before, the way a PC fan works, you cannot reverse polarity and switch spin direction. The way they're designed, they have diodes inside so current can only flow one way. Plus they don't do much good if spun backwards as the fins are designed a certain way to increase productivity.

I received praise from SS: :awesome:
themadhacker said:
People complain that I don't wear gloves when handling ABS cement....And you inhale cancerous solder and flux fumes.

Okay, first, you don't just not wear gloves when handling ABS cement, you STICK YOUR FINGER IN IT. Also, lead doesn't vaporize until something like 1500 degrees, so we don't inhale lead fumes, only flux fumes. Which aren't that bad.

But you do have a point.
XCVG said:
themadhacker said:
People complain that I don't wear gloves when handling ABS cement....And you inhale cancerous solder and flux fumes.

Okay, first, you don't just not wear gloves when handling ABS cement, you STICK YOUR FINGER IN IT. Also, lead doesn't vaporize until something like 1500 degrees, so we don't inhale lead fumes, only flux fumes. Which aren't that bad.

But you do have a point.

The Burning sensation means it's working. :awesome:
Flux fumes can be bad for you if you're like SS and do frequent soldering. It's sort of like the fumes from paint - it's not necessarily going to give you asthma from a one-time encounter, but if you're exposed to the stuff without proper ventilation frequently, chances are it's going to affect your health.

Me? I have a ceiling fan going. Probably not the best idea, but I plan on upgrading soon.
personally, i stick some solder into the bowl, then hold a soldering iron on it, and suck like a shop-vac. :dah:
here is a screen i "made" awhile ago, for testing consoles and just playing on. it is a 7" widescreen lcd, with a handy little switch for 4:3. it has a control board that lets you change volume, color, brightness, and contrast. it runs happily on a psone power supply, or any 7.2/7.4 volt battery. it will run nearly 4 hours on my ratshack nimh, 3300 mah battery. (thats the one in the pics.) the screen has better picture quality than a psone screen. it is lovely. basically, all i did was case it up, and put speakers in. :dahroll: :awesome:
enough chit chat. picture tiem.