The afternoon projects thread

I put a silk cloth from my ds screen protector kit onto my mouse. It's a microsoft bluetooth 500 mouse. I've smoothed out the tape some and it looks better now. I did this because it feels more comfortable and I don't like oils from my skin rubbing on plastic.

My desk was a huge frickin mess, as usual, and I couldn't find my scissors. This made me angry. I noticed on my desk was one of those 8 dollar radioshack project boxes. I knew it would never be used for a portable, since it's 3 inches thick. So I took my melting soldering iron, and started to melt ginormous holes throughout the lid.

When I was finished, I put all my commonly used tools into these holes, as well as about 20 glue sticks and a holster for my glue gun. Then I got to thinking, why not have a stand for my glue gun to cool on? and a place for my soldering iron?

When I finished, this is what became of it:

I am quite proud of this. Right now, it holds a kitchen knife, a can of butane, a dremel, my scissors, wire strippers, pliers, a nail file, my butane soldering iron, a ruler, tweezers, a glue gun, hot glue, solder, and a place for both my soldering iron and glue gun to cool. I will hopefully add a section to hold flux, wire and tip cleaner. Possibly, even a set of helping hands.
Today I made a pair of Japanese straw sandals. (Waraji)
They look like these:

I'll probably upload some real pictures tomorrow.
LED Pumpkin Light

So, today I talked to the electronics teacher. He made me breadboard the light, figure out which resistor to use, then showed me ohm's law and power law. I left with three LEDs, a resistor, and thirty cents gone from my pocket.

When I got home I soldered it up. I got a piece of perfboard and soldered the circuit together. It runs off a nine-volt battery. The case is two random things I found in my junk bin. The clear top is part of a dollar-store cocktail cup (six for a dollar I think) and the bottom is the lid of a Bionicle container. The LEDs just fit right in the top and it's sort of a light pipe and makes it a bit more like a candle.


Hah, I didn't realize how phallic it looks. Although candles look phallic too and it supposed to look kinda like a candle.
Canon Powershot S5 IS remote trigger

Made possible by the guys that came up with CHDK. Thanks.

On many Canon models, it's possible to load custom "firmware" on the camera, adding extra functionality. Scripts written in BASIC can be used to add a time-lapse feature, increase the camera's exposure time, and remote trigger functionality using a custom-made switch with a USB cable.

I've made a couple of these so far, but I sold the one I was using, so it was time to make a new one.

The company I work for discontinued our radar detector display, so you know what that means. These were inoperable units that came with the PCB inside with only the volume control, power plug, and headphone jack soldered to the board, nothing else.

Pic of the disassembled hardware:

Pic of wires soldered to the intended switch:

Pic of completed wiring:

Pic of completed project:

Pic of close-up using trigger:

I intend on getting the case back apart to sand all the graphics/paint down, power switch and LED mod it, and re-paint.

Happy Halloween!
Nintendott said:
ShockSlayer said:
I don't normally rip on peoples projects, but you LED modded a Dildo. XD


How do ya know how it looks like ? :awesome:

Well, :awesome:

By definition, a dildo would be an object having the shape and often the appearance of an erect penis, used in sexual stimulation.

I know what my boner looks like.

Ergo, I know that the LED modded dildo is in fact a dildo and has been LED modded.


ShockSlayer said:
Nintendott said:
ShockSlayer said:
I don't normally rip on peoples projects, but you LED modded a Dildo. XD


How do ya know how it looks like ? :awesome:

Well, :awesome:

By definition, a dildo would be an object having the shape and often the appearance of an erect penis, used in sexual stimulation.

I know what my boner looks like.

Ergo, I know that the LED modded dildo is in fact a dildo and has been LED modded.



LOL you are funny :lol: and :awesome: