The afternoon projects thread


'K, so anyway. The power supply for my computer's LCD broke, so I fished an old one out of the garage that had a broken backlight. I took it apart, hung the LCD from my desk, and stuck a lightbulb behind it. :dah:




The light distribution is OK. The photo really exaggerates it, though. The little bar in the corner of the screen going to the wall is to stablize it. I don't want the cables being stressed too much. In the third pic, you can see the diffuser sheets.

Yeah. :dah:
Here is my soldering glasses.

I found a pair of sunglasses with out the glasses so i puted 2 strong projector lenses
inside the housing and added 5 LED's conected to 2 AAA batteries.

epicelite said:
Why not just fix the inverter!?

I fixed mine, only need like 3 caps cost a total of $4 shipped from digikey.
Too bad it's the transformers that were toasted and not the caps. :dah:
man do i love these forums :awesome:
so i got this £10 kit and made it in 2 and a half hours, had fun and did an excelent job soldering for an amature.
anyway it goes from 99 seconds down to 0 and you can change the time up or down and start it from anywhere, pretty cool i think :) but 24 LED's to faf with was VERY annoying :gonk:
anyway heres dsome pics and a video

oh yeah, i forgot to mention it takes a 9V battery =D
Dude. Get one of those little things you can voice record on, build the circuit in, then put in 99 seconds of "The Final Countdown".

It would be so amazing.
So I got two gearmotors off of snowpenguin, so I decided to make a tupperware bot. This project is used as an electronics learning experience for my son, so we're going from simple to less-simple.

I've called it the Totally Lame and Useless Bot, or Tlub.

This is the first stage, where we basically took a tupperware container and used it as the chassis, took the two gear motors and mounted them in the case, used a wire coat hanger to make the motor axles to keep them aligned with each other, and installed a switch in the top.

Next stage is to install some headlights. For no other reason than the total and utter uselessness of it.

We will eventually evolve this into a linebot.



I may or may not post a video of it running later; right now I have the wheels operating opposite of each other so we don't have to chase it all over of the place.