The afternoon projects thread

Basement_Modder said:
Jlee, I love you.
I watch you sleep <3

As a note, the program itself was pretty simple.
I mean, there were some bloated bits to it that just took a stupid amount of time, but for the most part, it's pretty straightforward.

void loop(){
	u8 k = 0;
	int t = 0;
	int run = 1;
	while(run == 1){
		for(int i = 0; i < runspeed; i++){
			for(int j = 0; j < 27; j++){
				k = pgm_read_byte(  &(heart[t][j])  );
				if (k == 2){
					run = 0;
				else if(k == 1){
				else if(k == 0){

'Tis the main loop.
Really quite small.
The easiest project I can think of doing in an afternoon is to build a flashilight. I did it, but I was using and old bulb and I accidently used batteries that were to strong. Anyways, if you can solder, you can build a flashlight. Very easy in idea, very easy in execution.
Now build a 1W LED flashlight with a rechargable lithium battery, battery low monitor, and make it small enough to fit in a pocket.
I ripped apart the broken PS1 I got. Turns out it didn't respond to controller input because a cable was unplugged. I proceeded to rip it down to the board, though, so I could create a disassembly guide. I also changed the LED. I wanted a blue one but didn't have one, so I used what I thought was a red LED but turned out to be white. Oh well, white's pretty cool anyway. Will post disassembly guide soon, probably.
Another afternoon project. Build a crossbow that launches pencils. Materials used: paper, tape, big black paper clip, and paper. Should take you around 15 minutes. I made one, and I accidently shot it off into the ceiling at school. :roll:
It wasn't an afternoon, but a few months ago I made a super-easy LED flashlight. I cut up lots of balsa wood into rectangles, glued them together and cut a long rectangle through it for 2 AA batteries. I ripped out a coil and a disc from a battery... thing and glued them into the rectangle. Then I wired the terminals to a switch and LEDs which I glued in place on the front. I then cut out very thin strips of various lengths of balsa wood and glued them to the edges. Then I cut out another rectangle and glued it in place, covering the wires (which were glued down to prevent messiness), LEDs, and switch. I cut out YET ANOTHER pice of wood and glued velcro onto it, then I glued velcro in matching place on the main part of the flashlight and glued more thing strips of wood in place, to even out some stuff. I filled in some holes and sanded the whole thing down, and now it looks pretty nice. I've been holding out on posting it here because I want to use some wood finish on it, but I still haven't gotten around to doing so, and knowing me, I probably never will. But as for now, it works well, it's bright, EXTREMELY light (less than 1/8 pound, even with batteries, if I remember correctly).

tl;dr? I made an LED flashlight out of wood, LEDs, AAs, and velcro.
pLover said:
tl;dr? I made an LED flashlight out of wood, LEDs, AAs, and velcro.
My brother took an IR LED flashlight and built a camera-mount for it out of wood so he can use it with his camera that has IR night-vision. Not quite the same, some similar aspects to it.
I glued a PC fan to a paper plate last night and made a mini hovercraft. It was pretty cool, I'll be making some awesome modifications here soon. I'll add another fan for lift, and then a couple of fans to the top to make it move what direction I want. Then I'll make a controller and like a 20 foot cord and hook up some sort of power source.
If I had a working microcontroller and a couple servos I'd use only one fan for thrust, with a couple of rudderlike things on the back that could change where the airflow went.

Also, just remembered PC fans only go 1 direction, so I'd need 3 fans for thrust on the thing. I don't think 2 fans will be able to hold that weight up unless I have some with MONSTER airflow.
Threw together a new laser module, no power supply wired up yet, but works on my bench:


320mw of 655nm red laser light. :D Will take some pics tonight when it gets dark outside.
PalmerTech said:
320mw of 655nm red laser light. :D Will take some pics tonight when it gets dark outside.
320Mw is decent, How hot does the diode get, and is it stable for a period of time?
Have you thought about making a bench top Co2 gas laser? You could use it for cases, and most of the time they get far more Mw or power than a regular Diode laser.