The afternoon projects thread

i made a pacman ghost flashlight :awesome:
might have overdone it with the epoxy on the inside though XD

also realized i gave the ghost a black nose :rofl:

Dang you mako i lost the game :gonk:
mako321 said:
My impression is that if somebody doesn't know how to do something and sees somebody else doing it, they will either think it's the best thing in the world from their own ignorance or think it's stupid, not knowing how hard it was to do.(people thinking that you can build a portable by "connecting a few wires together")

I literally copy-pasted this comment from a YouTube vid of bens 5th xbox 360 laptop:

"WTF u guys? This guy isn't that cool. An xbox laptop is so easy all you have to do is put ur xbox in a laptop and that's it."

and one on the revision 3 "how to make an N64p" video

"This is so easy and I made 1 with my dad and I'm 11 and now I made a ps3 portable 2 lol"

(That one was just some stupid lying kid, though.)
I did a true afternoon project. Just did it in one afternoon! :awesome:
Thanks XCVG for that 555 timer diagram.

XCVG said:

The potentiometer changers the tone. Change the values of the resistors and capacitor to adjust further. We used a 9V power source but it should work down to 5V or so with reduced volume. R1, R2, C1 and the potentiometer affect the tone. R3 is the base resistor (is that what it's called?) for the transistor, I recommend you leave it unless you drastically change the supply voltage. R4 affects the volume of the speaker, it's probably reasonably safe to leave it out except for tiny speakers.

You just replace the pot with fixed resistors and tactile switches.

10 hours and 2000 balloons later. Last time our housemate goes home for the weekend instead of watching us beat her country at the rugby.
Ended up getting them about waist height, would post pics but I'm afraid they're nsfw.