The afternoon projects thread

Eh, Co2 lasers are fun, but I work with lasers for fun, not practicality. IR beams not being visible really puts a damper on that. ;) If I did build one, I would use one of the surplus 5 watt tubes that pop up on eBay sometimes and build a handheld rig with a backpack power system.

And it can run continuously in a room temp environment. That is why I have such a big heatsink relative to the diode. I know to use short duty cycles for my other lasers, but I wanted to make one today that I can let other people use without worry about killing my stuff.
Pretty cool mod, if I had done it I probably would have forgotten all about the sync button. Too bad there wasn't enough room for the extra usb port.
Neat, but it seems kind of pointless to me unless your laptop is a really old piece of junk.

Also, you work amazingly fast.JK, I know it's sped up!
True, though a lot of his laptops do have a PCM slot.

I assume that was directed towards the length of the video? :lol:
All in all, it took about 45 minutes.

Possibly the single most useless mod on the face of the earth. But on the bright side, you can have it sitting on your desk at school and no one would think anything of it :)

Still gotta figure out the L and R...
have them iniside, so when you press them it'll look like you're trying to get a pencil crayon.
Yeah the original plan was to have a cover for it but the gameboy advance was to thick for the stupid package ><
Oooh, well whenever you take the box apart, there's a whole mess of tape that needs to be put back on. It's a retarded, useless, crappy-looking mod, but everyone at school loved it xD I can't wait to see reactions when I get a N64p done.
Jidan said:
Oooh, well whenever you take the box apart, there's a whole mess of tape that needs to be put back on. It's a retarded, useless, crappy-looking mod, but everyone at school loved it xD I can't wait to see reactions when I get a N64p done.
Haha, people at school are impressed by the lamest of things. :D No offense to your casemod.

Exhibit A
It still dispensed floss and had a belt-loop thing in the back.
Yeah, the case was like a 15 minute thing that I, personally, also think is crap. I agree - they were all impressed by it and I was just thinking to myself, "it's...a box...with a gameboy taped to the inside..." lol
Jewjo said:
Jidan said:
Oooh, well whenever you take the box apart, there's a whole mess of tape that needs to be put back on. It's a retarded, useless, crappy-looking mod, but everyone at school loved it xD I can't wait to see reactions when I get a N64p done.
Haha, people at school are impressed by the lamest of things. :D No offense to your casemod.

Exhibit A
It still dispensed floss and had a belt-loop thing in the back.

lol tell me about it. Last year my calculator's battery died. I did not feel like spending money on new watch size batteries, so I put a AA battery pack on the back.

Everybody thought it was the coolest thing and they started calling me Bill Nye.

just for putting a battery pack on a calculator.

so yeah, people at school are easily impressed/amused.
My impression is that if somebody doesn't know how to do something and sees somebody else doing it, they will either think it's the best thing in the world from their own ignorance or think it's stupid, not knowing how hard it was to do.(people thinking that you can build a portable by "connecting a few wires together")