The afternoon projects thread

Caredo said:
Only on ModRetro would I hear that a member made a shank on a plane for the sole purpose of stealing a little gadget. No watches or wallets were stolen, just a gadget.

This forum amazes me sometimes, truly.
:wtf: No need to get hostile. I was simply referring to how that project was posted on both forums, and thus was only on both of them. I have no idea what you are referring to, Caredo, but that's what I was. :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:
Caredo said:
snowpenguin said:
...and benheck...
Shut up already. WE GET IT.
I agree in a less harsh sense.

This forum has been very good about not speaking out against another community or other communities coming here and speaking against us.

The difference between there and here is that I can appreciate a joke now and then, but when or if it hits a higher level, I will not, to any degree, tolerate it.

Woah. I'm not 'from the other community' I'm a member of both, and there was absolutely no harshness of any kind involved in my post. I'm sorry if it came out that way, I wasn't attempting to 'hit' any 'higher levels.'
Don't go to benheck? Or don't even say the word in this forum? I don't see any reason why I should follow either of those requests.
alright, lets not be so harsh, guys. Snowpenguin is one of us, its not like he came from Ben Heck to troll, he just wants to be a part of both communities and that's fine.
Well, both communities are basically the same. Major topics and many completed projects are shared between the two. There's only a few people here that aren't on benheck too. I have noticed that a smaller community here makes answers come quicker then the larger community of benheck. Plus, different mods and admins make different rules with different restrictions. Both communities have pros and cons, and I'm glad to be a part of both. (although maybe not the most helpful or smrt)
What I'm saying is: There are modretro members on "benheck" in some way bringing up conflict between the sites there. I will not allow that here.

Don't go to benheck? Or don't even say the word in this forum?

I don't mean either of those, what I mean is don't take it to "that level," which, metaphorically, is a place to go. Henceforth "Don't go there."

One thing I would like to address as well, if such a thing is to start I'm going to prevent another "LOTWRDB" incident, I'm not sure what your intentions are of having the benheck logo in your signature, but as you can see(in reference to Caredo's post) it is not promoting a good message here.

What do you mean? I've seen plenty of people on benheck with links to modretro in their signatures. What's the problem?
Woah woah woah- don't perceive my sig as a bad thing- I don't think Caredo did either- it's got both communities represented and simply states I would love an end to the constant bickering. People on benheck who have the modretro banner in their sig don't get persecuted for it- why should I for equally representing both?!?

And as for my post- as I've said before, I was not attempting to bring up that the two are equal, or that eurddrue was acting like benheck wasn't there, or whatever. I was just stating that that was posted in both places. If I knew this crap was going to happen, I never would have posted.

And I am not going to change my sig which promotes peace between the two communities. You even stating that it's bad benheck is in it is promoting the forum war.

EDIT: And how can you not tell my reason for my sig???
snowpenguin said:
Woah woah woah- don't perceive my sig as a bad thing- I don't think Caredo did either- it's got both communities represented and simply states I would love an end to the constant bickering. People on benheck who have the modretro banner in their sig don't get persecuted for it- why should I for equally representing both?!?

And as for my post- as I've said before, I was not attempting to bring up that the two are equal, or that eurddrue was acting like benheck wasn't there, or whatever. I was just stating that that was posted in both places. If I knew this crap was going to happen, I never would have posted.

And I am not going to change my sig which promotes peace between the two communities. You even stating that it's bad benheck is in it is promoting the forum war.

EDIT: And how can you not tell my reason for my sig???

I have no opinion on this, but you didn't need to say it was on benheck to. No point, and this was bound to happen.
I don't know if your familiar with the "LOTWRDB incident" but in short, certain people had a certain logo in their sig that was intended to show "rather dislike" to a certain member, and he was offended, and requested action to be taken, and it was taken care of poorly, until a very large public disturbance was caused about the issue and then it was resolved. It ended up with a lot of discontent, something I will keep out of this site by all means possible if I can.

All issues about this conflict between sites, whether it be promoting peace or not is to be held over there, as you can see, I'm not going to let discussions about it be held here, if you noticed, save this thread there have been no discussions about it here. Simply looking at how a simple question about it over there gets turned into a big topic, I'm not going to let it get that far. No matter how many hearts you post, you always end up with some unresolved bitterness, just look at palmertech's situation.

Regardless of what you intended us to interpret from your signature, you have not been interpreted the way you think you were supposed to be. I'm starting to sound like bic when I say: We can't read your mind. But I can say that you quoted me quoting a benheck mod(because he sent that to me in a PM, it was never posted publicly), and have the image in your sig. If you haven't caught on there are quite a few people here that are "anti-benheck," and they do not wish to talk about problems over there, and they do not wish to want to be reminded of it.

Simply put, promote peace over there, because that's where the conflict is. It's like parading around Japan with an "Anti-Canada" poster. :P No matter what you post contains, your signature is always there, and if your signature is offensive to someone, every post of yours they see appears offensive. You are responsible for your signature, and if you do not keep it presentable to all, then I can take away your ability to have a signature? The same goes for your avatar, and your ability to post and all.

I know what you mean when you say if you knew, you wouldn't have posted, but it is important that you did because it gave me a chance to publicly address this issue. Thanks. No hard feeling towards anyone, and no punishment will be issued, but I will tell you this, your current signature is not a good idea. If you want to discuss this with me more, I would be more than happy to do so over PM's, but to you and everyone else(including myself)


snowpenguin said:
I'll be honest- I just wanted to prove eurddrue wrong! :twisted:
If you're going to have a benheck logo in your sig, make it look nice, plox. Anyway, to avoid being a mofotrucker repeat, and fight with stupid n00bs. GOOD JOB! YOU REALLY PROVED ME WRONG!!! :D :D :D YOU'RE SO SMART! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I DIDN'T CATCH THAT SIMPLE MISTAKE IN MY POST! :) :) :) YOU DID A GREAT JOB! I'M SUPER PROUD OF YOU FOR CATCHING THAT MISTAKE! IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY NOSE; I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I DIDN'T CATCH IT :o :o :o

Oddly enough, I was making a LOTWRLSS (Leage of those who rather like ShockSlayer, for the lay person)

Afternoon project you say? Testing the temperature of a fried n64's RCP and a working n64's RCP. :3
Yeah I agree with bac. If you have fan clubs people without them will be all, 'Why can't I haves one??? :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: '

Not worth it.
bacteria said:
eurddrue said:
Oddly enough, I was making a LOTWRLSS (Leage of those who rather like ShockSlayer, for the lay person)
No fan clubs or anti-fan clubs allowed. No citing with any niche groupings allowed. A "fan" banner is just as bad as an "anti-fan" banner; similar long term effects. Nothing of the sort will be allowed.

To put it simply, DON'T!
It was more for "teh lulz" over actually making a click.