The afternoon projects thread

Cousin gave me a DS lite after dropping it a few too many times. Both the hinges were broken and the ribbon cable was ripped. Hopped on here and found it'll run if it thinks the backlight is there. So I found the backlight contacts and put a 2.2k resistor on (any higher didn't draw enough current; about 10mA minimum had to be drawn). It worked! Kept the touchscreen connected so I can play Animal Crossing, Polarium, and other touchscreen-oriented DS games. Of course, it also plays GBA games.


I think I posted something on making it work as long as it sort of detects a backlight...can't find it though.

EDIT: Found it. It's not in the sticky, wat. Added it to the sticky, yeah.

Mario said:
Hopped on here and found it'll run if it thinks the backlight is there.
That is actually the thread I found. I couldn't find any MOD2 so I had to trace the contacts myself.
I didn't really do this in the "afternoon" per se, but I made a shirt. Took about 6 hours from start to finish.
Made this cube/box thingy, inspired by the Joker from Batman:




On the bottom is a small switch for...



5 leds. Should have been another color instead of 2 green ones, but I did'nt have any.


Ishmael1010 said:
I didn't really do this in the "afternoon" per se, but I made a shirt. Took about 6 hours from start to finish.

Came out pretty awesome. Did you end up explaining the full method you used in the chat?
Awesome cube, Eliten, and sweet shirt, Ish. :awesome:

Picture dump, woo. Since I took the top half off the DS there were no more speakers and no more Wifi. So, I took out the stylus holder to make room for a mono speaker and wifi antenna.

I didn't have to drill any holes for the speaker because the hole for the stylus lets out adequate amounts of sound.

The resistor and speaker wires soldered where the screen's ribbon cable connector used to be:




Last night I also made a light for my Kindle. It consists of an LED backlight and driver circuit I took out of a portable DVD player screen and a GBASP battery to power it.

Charging: (I didn't add a charge port, I just connect alligator clips to charge it.)

This photo was actually taken in daylight, but the light is so bright my camera had to auto-adjust.



The driver board has three input pins: Vcc, GND, and brightness adjust. I hooked up that pot on the right as a voltage divider, set the brightness so the whole thing drew 50mA, and glued it down. At 50mA it puts out a lot of light and since the GBASP battery is 600mAh it should last quite a while before needing a recharge.

And for no reason, one of the screensavers I put on. :3
This took more than an afternoon, but it was only about a 6 hour project.

They are made from scratch and cost me $0. I made the casing out of cases that held rolls of electrical tape, and the speakers came from an old set of headphones which I took apart for another project. The bottoms have audio jacks that came from a broken dvd player, the ear pads were sewn by me out of an old pair of gym shorts and stuffed with an old sock. They have white and red thread to distinguish between right and left speakers. The metal frame thing was made out of a coat hanger. I also used a can of green krylon from another project to spray paint the casing. Overall I am pretty pleased with how it turned out.

EDIT: Crap. Idk why the pictures aren't showing up. YOU HAVE FAILED ME FACEBOOK!